[Solved] Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width

Subject: [Solved] Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
How can I get Frozen Phoenix to get a non-fixed width so it is a full browser width??

How it is:

What I want:

I'm running into a few problems. I used the profiles left tutorial on phpbb.com, works just fine.

What I get now:
screen3 screen3 screen4 screen5 screen6 screen7 screen8

Last edited by Goldberg on Sat 04 Jun, 2011 10:26; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
This may keep you happy! ;)

Not 100% sure because you have been stuffing around with the default layout! :LOL:

Spoiler: [ Show ]

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
It works, I just need to sort out how to get rid of the white spaces left and right :roll:

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
Did you at least try the alterations I posted - Because that appears to work for me at whatever width I set it, with what I could actually check in the way of "active" templates. ?

Also, from what I can make of it, Frozen_Phoenix inherits a lot of templates from ProSilver along with the css. :(

So with your modification - who knows what needs to be changed without one going through the whole thing themselves.

And that's a big ask. :|

And using the logic - "You change it - You break it - You fix it" - - - - - I think you are going to stuck with trying to work it out yourself.

So why don't you use a vanilla Frozen Phoenix Style - Set and check all the widths you need to and then apply the "Left MOD" to see where it breaks.


Last edited by mort on Fri 03 Jun, 2011 23:24; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
I will do that. Theme is modified, of course with the copyright and link to this site in tact!

Thanks for the support!

Theme is doing what I want, the white spaces will be fixed!

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
I edited my post above with this - And I doubt that you will venture back to read it, because you were posting at the same time. :P

Did you at least try the alterations I posted - Because that appears to work for me at whatever width I set it, with what I could actually check in the way of "active" templates. ?

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
After I applied the alterations you gave it worked. I'm only stuck with the white spaces left and right, but I'll look in to that.

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
What about a snapshot of the white-space you are now referring to?


And the ID number of the style if you have it "live" at your site - and it's not the default style - Or you don't have a style-changer installed?

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
I marked the spaces in red: "White spaces"


mort wrote: [View Post]
What about a snapshot of the white-space you are now referring to?


And the ID number of the style if you have it "live" at your site - and it's not the default style - Or you don't have a style-changer installed?

It's the default style, I don't have a style changer installed.

I changed this:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
Open: styles/frozen_phoenix/theme/wrappers.css

Find x 2 980px

Change to: 96%

Find and REMOVE:

display: table-cell;

To this:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
Open: styles/frozen_phoenix/theme/wrappers.css

Find x 2 980px

Change to: 100%

Find and REMOVE:

display: table-cell;

White spaces are gone!!!!!!

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
I suspected that that was what you were talking about and could have told you that a 100% will go full-screen. But I gave you more credit for brains than that.


I usually run at 98% so that some of the background shows - Particularly if it's a "NICE" background image. :twisted:

So is this "Solved" or what? :mryellow:

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Subject: Re: Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
It's solved :mrgreen:

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Subject: Re: [Solved] Frozen Phoenix With A Non-fixed Width
Thanks! I'll take it off my list of things to keep a check on. :mryellow:

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