White Pages / Blank Pages

Subject: White Pages / Blank Pages

I'm new to IcyPhoenix and have recently set it up on my Father's webserver hosted by JustHost.

I'm having the *infamous* white page / blank page issue. On initial install, I was able to make posts and browse forums. Then suddenly it started acting up! Basically, clicking on any of my forums/subforums (using any variation of the viewforum.php file) generates a blank page with no echo'd errors. The last thing done in the ACP was to modify user config (for an unknown purpose, my father did it, but I don't see how that would affect this...)

I have searched and crawled through the support forum and FAQ section and tried a dozen different remedies (one at a time), including the follow:

Clear Cache Data (ftp method)
Clear Cache (ACP Method, all)
Delete def_auth.php, test to no avail, and then restore with fresh copy.
Replace def_tree_def.tpl with fresh copy.
Emergency Recovery Console (tried just about all functions)
Chmod for the items listed in the FAQ section
My webprovider's PHP configuration has a 64mb max size.

My IcyPhoenix version is current, v1.3.0.53a.
I haven't tried reseting the config.php file because I made a lot of changes, but perhaps I can back it up and try that. But I don't really think it is a configuration problem? Please someone help if you can! I made a public viewable forum so people can see the issue:


Thank you in advance!

Edit: Also just want to note, that my error_log in the main community directory has nothing in it!

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
Can you confirm that you didn't edit any core file?

Can you attach here a zipped copy or your def_tree.php from cache folder please?

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
Hello Gorgon! And thank you for your time.

I have not tampered with any core files.

Here is a zip with all the def type files, incase i misunderstood which you wanted. These were downloaded via ftp from my server.

Description: zip 
Filename: def_files_daysend.zip
Filesize: 6.53 KB
Downloaded: 240 Time(s)

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
Cache files are ok. :sad:

Can I ask to make a clean install (without any modification) in another folder and check if it is working fine?

Sorry, but at the moment I have no other clues.

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
sorry to bail into this old post, Did´nt want to open an new post, for the very same Issue.

But i got some white page problems, on an HostGator host with IP to 53.b

does´nt matter witch one i try

Apears to be a cache problem.

First thing i found and remedied by aditional ini file was : magic_quotes_gpc was set to Off, i switched it on.

but still having this white page problem. It runs without problems on a fresh install, to the time cache is cleared or refreshed, when it goes blank.

Any ideas ??

Tried about anything now, without any Luck

Does it make any difference, if the server is running on Fast-CGI and not on CGI ???

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
Open your log file (depending on your OS, it'll be at different places) and give us 2/3 last errors when you go on these pages. (if it's album pages, they're buggy)

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Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
apaears to be no Errors in the log file of the server.

defenitly no ones from the last 1/2 year

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
Don't use php.log but apache errors log.

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Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
can´t find anything in log folder of the server

searched through all accessible files on this server, and don´t see any error log


I´ve send an ticket to the Hoster, asking for the last error logs from this domain

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
You can even try putting this, (with a blank line before), after the <?php
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  1. error_reporting(-1); 
(or set MG_DEBUG to true)

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Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages

error log from Icy says.

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Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
It looks like file common.php is missing. At least in the folder /home/xxx/public_html/w-Model/. Check it !

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Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
it´s there.

already checked that and it´s the same as on my local instalation ,

i´m wondering more about the include path (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php')

Subject: Re: White Pages / Blank Pages
As you have "." in your include path it should be good. Try to set chmod 777 to common.php

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