OTF Gallery

Subject: OTF Gallery

I have just installed your OTF gallery 0-5-1 it had one problem however what and where
do I see this is it in the admin section if so where do I find this area so I can work on it.

If not in admin where do I go instructions I could not find as to when it is uploaded
where to go to find the file to sort the pictures?


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Subject: Re: OFT Gallery
Vanessa wrote: [View Post]

I have just installed your OFT gallery 0-5-1 it had one problem however what and where
do I see this is it in the admin section if so where do I find this area so I can work on it.

I also have the same question. Thanks.

Subject: Re: OFT Gallery
Hi there,

I must admit i still want to install it and see how it works and if I like it enough to use

but first a question for you Suman.. I asume you have phpbb board ..am i correct?


Subject: Re: OFT Gallery
I think this question is about phpBB -> so topic moved

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Subject: Re: OFT Gallery
yes I agree, I just did not want to move it before this was confirmed, I will install OTF ASAP so i can have a close look at how it all works (just did not get around to it yet because i m hunting an ugly looking bit phpbb i can t find anywhere :oops: )

I'll post back as soon as i get this installed Suman and Vanessa :wink: or maybe someone else will beat me to it :wink:

Subject: Re: OFT Gallery
please read the instructions carefully here:


MG wrote: 

What can I customize?
Some settings are customizable by editing the first otf_config.php (you can change for example some thumbnails size or the path where thumbnails are stored... and more!). ACP form will be provided after phpBB 3 official release.

*note ..it 's never been officially released so no there is nothing in ACP

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