Black Pearl Button

Subject: Black Pearl Button
Why do not button here? styles and version



Here it works firefly.but I want the Black Pearl.thanks


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Subject: Re: Black Pearl Button
Can you please click on the flags to download you lang buttons... also for english

Black Pearl should be use .gif buttons
The pack has png :?
MG should have fixed it

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Subject: Re: Black Pearl Button
Gif works.thanks

I would like to ask,How to give a button to the online, offline to post?


Next, go to add, edit smileys in chat? thanks

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Subject: Re: Black Pearl Button
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
Can you please click on the flags to download you lang buttons... also for english

Black Pearl should be use .gif buttons
The pack has png :?
MG should have fixed it

Nope TheSteffen.

I´ve downloaded a lang pack of spanish buttons,m and they still keep having PNG´s

Subject: Re: Black Pearl Button
Demons wrote: [View Post]
I would like to ask,How to give a button to the online, offline to post?

You have this icon left under your avatar: templates/pearl/images/p_black/buttons/icon_user_offline.png
For offline

If you want to change this you can overwrite this pic icon_user_offline.png with your own png

For more Question please open another topic

spydie wrote: [View Post]
I´ve downloaded a lang pack of spanish buttons,m and they still keep having PNG´s

Where did you download it?
Here it is OK

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Subject: Re: Black Pearl Button
then it was fixed in the last month

Subject: Re: Black Pearl Button
spydie wrote: [View Post]
then it was fixed in the last month

That could be because MG told me he has fixed it :P

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