Hello Everybody..
I have seen that a big part of my site's search results appears with the same tags..
I want that some pages have different keywords and tags..
Is there any way or any MOD to do this?
SOLVED Custom Tags For Each Topic.
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
You need to edit core php files.
Fill them with anything you like...
Fill them with anything you like...
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
see always there with the right answer i wondered what the purpose of those where...
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
see always there with the right answer i wondered what the purpose of those where...
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
Again... the problem is lacking of documentation... but if I'd have written documentation... many features wouldn't have been created... so... what do you prefer?
Me writing docs... or me coding? :P
I hope we will have a complete documentation forum one day. :roll:
Me writing docs... or me coding? :P
I hope we will have a complete documentation forum one day. :roll:
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
definitely coding I will write up a doc for this as well..
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
definitely coding I will write up a doc for this as well..
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
MG . you might think of getting Gearhead engaged with that.
I think he´s doing one on Nav_links issue aswell
MG . you might think of getting Gearhead engaged with that.
I think he´s doing one on Nav_links issue aswell
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
MMM, but it won't generate dynamic tags, will it?
I want something like a field in each topic, where i can enter the tags i prefer..
I have some ideas of how to code it, but i don't have very clear how to insert a field (in php) to this page.. Anyway, i will see that..
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
MMM, but it won't generate dynamic tags, will it?
I want something like a field in each topic, where i can enter the tags i prefer..
I have some ideas of how to code it, but i don't have very clear how to insert a field (in php) to this page.. Anyway, i will see that..
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
Topics tags are automatically generated... and topics pages don't have all the same tags!
Check this file: includes/meta_parsing.php
Danielc wrote: [View Post]
Topics tags are automatically generated... and topics pages don't have all the same tags!
Check this file: includes/meta_parsing.php
Subject: Re: Custom Tags For Each Topic.
Sorry.. It's true.. I haven't noticed that..
Thanks and you can lock the topic.
Thanks and you can lock the topic.
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