New Sections

Subject: New Sections
Hi all,
I have created two new sections to keep releases diversified from discussions and developments topics about MODs and Styles.

The new sections are Customizations And MODs Discussions and Templates And Styles Discussions.

These new sections are open for all and can be used for any kind of discussions about those topics. Customizations and Styles releases will be moved to the main Styles and Customizations sections (where only Staff can post new topics).

This new setup should help to keep discussions apart from releases.

For any query do not hesitate to ask in this topic.

Inactive User
Subject: Re: New Sections
Cough! About time something like this was done to separate the mess! :mrorange: :mrgreen:

And I think it's a great idea! 8)

Subject: Re: New Sections
He he he... thanks for suggesting sort of it! :wink:

We will see if this is the best way to go or we will need to change it further in the future.

Subject: Re: New Sections
Great should make it easier now...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: New Sections
Thank you MG. :!:

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