Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist

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Subject: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
This is just meant as an actual report after 1 week of using IP 1.3, which is fantastic by the way with many major improvements.....

I noticed last night that the ajax shout box quit working. By that I mean that I couldn't add a comment to the box. It may be a server/host issue, but the way I fixed it, was to delete the ajax shout box, and install a new one....kinda like changing a spark plug.....

Other than that, no other problems so far with my new install of IP 1.3.

One other report I can make so far is that when checking mysql witin IP 1.3, I found this:

Path: DB and security>Database maintenance>Check database for errors> (the prefix for my ip tables is 3ip_ by the way....(did that to make it unique).

Maybe I'm short one table in the database? It's stating that it needs that one table to read: 3ip_privmsgs_text is the wrong name, or missing...there's 150 tables total.

See below: (I'm only showing the middle section of mysql tables)

3ip_pa_votes: OK
3ip_posts: OK
3ip_privmsgs: OK
3ip_privmsgs_archive: OK
3ip_privmsgs_text: Table 'phoenix2009.3ip_privmsgs_text' doesn't exist
3ip_profile_fields: OK
3ip_profile_view: OK
3ip_quota_limits: OK
3ip_ranks: OK

Last edited by gearhead on Wed 12 Aug, 2009 01:19; edited 1 time in total
Inactive User
Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
What about a new thread with the title "ip_privmsgs_text' doesn't exist " ;)

Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
This is definatly right.

_privatmsgs and privatmsgs_archive are the only tables about privat messages in the install DB

Maybe we should ask MG about the importance of This Table, since he´s the one who wrote this.

Maybe we should post this as a BUG

Inactive User
Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
That's why I'd like to see it as a new thread, because I'd like to find out the answers too - along with a lot of other people no doubt. ;)

Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
Done Lopa.

Posted it as Possible BUG

Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
ip_privmsgs_text is not included in icy1.3 MG combined the 2 tables to make one...

is this error showing on any pages in icy1.3 or just a database report...

if making new mods... you have to remove all reference of ip_privmsgs_text and combine it with ip_privmsgs..


:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
DWho wrote: [View Post]
ip_privmsgs_text is not included in icy1.3 MG combined the 2 tables to make one...

is this error showing on any pages in icy1.3 or just a database report...

if making new mods... you have to remove all reference of ip_privmsgs_text and combine it with ip_privmsgs..


:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks guys. I think that explains it since those tables are combined. It's just a database report. It seems not to affect the operation of the board; it's just something I was looking for an explanation for.....

Thanks Dr. Who and Spidie.

Inactive User
Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
It appears to be something left over and is not used in the "New" optimise database or in IP3 etc.

I think that this is pretty safe to do.

Open includes/functions_dbmtnc.php

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Subject: Re: Something I Noticed Yesterday
gearhead wrote: [View Post]

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks guys. I think that explains it since those tables are combined. It's just a database report. It seems not to affect the operation of the board; it's just something I was looking for an explanation for.....

Thanks Dr. Who and Spidie.

not a problm took me ages when ifirst so that error after upgrading a mod... but when I realised it no longer existed..

made it a lot easier..

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Inactive User
Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
If anything it should be posted in the Bug Tracker so that there's no chance of MG missing it. Unwanted errors are bugs. ;)

Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
I will link back to this topic in the bug section so MG can see it and the work around...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
Lopalong wrote: [View Post]
It appears to be something left over and is not used in the "New" optimise database or in IP3 etc.

I think that this is pretty safe to do.

Open includes/functions_dbmtnc.php

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Comment it out:


Performed fix, and all is well. No more 'perceived errors by the database test', plus, page load is faster! I would guess since the php command is now ignored, and server request is not returned with a un-needed operation!

Thanks, Lopalong.... :D

Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
I just forgot to remove that table from that file... it is safe that you remove it on your own.

I will fix it in the first 1.3 patch.

I have already fixed some bugs.

Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I just forgot to remove that table from that file... it is safe that you remove it on your own.

I will fix it in the first 1.3 patch.

I have already fixed some bugs.

Thank you very much, 1.3 is great, great, great, anyway...my users like it way better! (So do I).


Inactive User
Subject: Re: Ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist
@ MG,

I suppose it's not a "real" bug, but just annoying enough to no doubt having some users screeching for help.

On the other hand, Old GH here took it all quite calmly. ;)

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