Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "

Subject: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "

Thank´s to gearhead we found out one thing.

If you run an DB check it comes up with
"ip_privmsgs_text' doesn't exist "

It look´s like there´s a table missing in IP 1.3 DB setup.

This is confirmed by Gearhead and myself.

Please check yourselfs and confirm this in this topic

So one of the Moderators can move this to BUG section

Last edited by DWho on Tue 11 Aug, 2009 17:57; edited 1 time in total
Subject: Re: POSSIBBLE BUG : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
moved to bug section temporally.... table has not been removed it does not exist in 1.3 where is the error showing?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
Dr who, here's the path to find the message:

Path: ACP>DB and security>Database maintenance>Check database for errors>

About 1/2 way down look for that message.

By the way, I checked my test site, and it seems to have the same message. I don't see it causing a problem, just noticed that message in "Check database for errors".


Thanks to both of you for checking this. Spydie and Dr. Who.

Subject: Re: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
ok thanks for letting us know...

I am sure MG will see this post just for his notes

Lopalong posted a fix/work around for this have a look here


:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
Thanks a lot..... :D

Subject: Re: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
not a problem..

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
This is not properly a bug, because it doesn't hang the software... it just doesn't optimize a table which doesn't exist. :wink:

Anyway I forgot to remove that table from optimizations list... I will remove it and provide a fix with the first Icy Phoenix 1.3 patch.

Thanks for reporting.

Subject: Re: Not A Bug : Table "ip_privmsgs_text' Doesn't Exist "
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
This is not properly a bug, because it doesn't hang the software... it just doesn't optimize a table which doesn't exist. :wink:

Anyway I forgot to remove that table from optimizations list... I will remove it and provide a fix with the first Icy Phoenix 1.3 patch.

Thanks for reporting.

No problem

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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