Hi all,
after more than one year in the queue... finally I could overtake Icy Phoenix project @ Sourceforge (someone took it before me... and I still don't understand why...)!
As many of you already know the development code is currently hosted @ Assembla, and I think I will leave it there for now.
I'm considering Sourceforge features to check what could improve Icy Phoenix development.
Feel free to have a look also and provide some feedbacks.
Subject: Re: Sourceforge
i like it :mrgreen:
i like this part also "(some of them with multicolour variations)" :mrviolet:
sourceforge is very visited so its good to be there
there is only one thing what icy need and it is a Upgrade from phpBB3 :censored: (dont kill me :mrviolet: )
nice work MG :up:
i like this part also "(some of them with multicolour variations)" :mrviolet:
sourceforge is very visited so its good to be there
there is only one thing what icy need and it is a Upgrade from phpBB3 :censored: (dont kill me :mrviolet: )
nice work MG :up:
Subject: Re: Sourceforge
I don't like SourceForge, I think assembla is more flexible on some points ...
Subject: Re: Sourceforge
Nice! ;)
Now you can drop me off as a mirror, because I dont think you'll need it any more and it also relieves me of the responsibility to keep it upgraded.
Now you can drop me off as a mirror, because I dont think you'll need it any more and it also relieves me of the responsibility to keep it upgraded.
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