SOLVED Error After Upgrade To RC2 Version

Subject: Error After Upgrade To RC2 Version
Hi everyone,

I recently upgraded my site to the latest RC2 version from 1.27C and running into error. Database upgraded successful, but site keeps directing to even though i already deleted "install" folder. I have cleared cache and also upload my backup files and database and re-installed. I am wondering if i missed anything??

Thank you


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Subject: Re: Error After Upgrade To RC2 Version
I think thats because you config.php is blank did you copy a new one over writing yours...

if you did you need to enter the info into the config file again..

let me know

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Error After Upgrade To RC2 Version
You are right, DWho. I had this problem a while back.

Check that this line in config.php is there:

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define('IP_INSTALLED', true);

Mine used to say:

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define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);

Subject: Re: Error After Upgrade To RC2 Version
Chaotic wrote: [View Post]
You are right, DWho. I had this problem a while back.

Check that this line in config.php is there:

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define('IP_INSTALLED', true);

Mine used to say:

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define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);

this fixed it

Thank you guys, you're the best!!!!

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Subject: Re: [SOLVED] Error After Upgrade To RC2 Version
Don't make us blush...LOL.

Marking this topic as solved.

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