Some peoples say resolution problem on my site.please if yo site hace a resolution problem..Do you guys experience of it? my site is [LINK REMOVED]
Resulotion Problem?
Subject: Re: Resulotion Problem?
well with 1680x1050 is all ok
but i tryed then with 1024x768 and home page get too large
something on home page is too large mabye adbrite banner or transprter banner i dont know for sure
forum page is ok :wink: :wink:
but i tryed then with 1024x768 and home page get too large
something on home page is too large mabye adbrite banner or transprter banner i dont know for sure
forum page is ok :wink: :wink:
Subject: Re: Resulotion Problem?
does on mine too but at 1024x768 the image is stretching the template...rest of the site fits fine...
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Chaotic wrote: [View Post]
does on mine too but at 1024x768 the image is stretching the template...rest of the site fits fine...
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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