Thanks People,
I'm working on converting MODS for the next release of Icy Phoenix, and appreciate all the help I can get by adding various lang files before release.
If you want to help, it would also be appreciated if you named the file lang_extend_acp_site_announcement_centre.php and upload your translation as a .zip file to avoid any possible Encoding Errors. ;)
Thanks! :mricy:
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* @package Icy Phoenix Modifications
* @File $Id: lang_extend_acp_site_announcement_centre.php
* @copyright (c) 2007 lefty74
* @email:
* @license: h**p:// GNU Public License
* @Extra credits for this file
* Modified for Icy Phoenix by Lopalong - 01-January-2009
// ------------[ Contributors ]-------------------
// Translated to "??" by "??"
// Website: "??"
if (!defined('IN_ICYPHOENIX'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
// START ACP Site Announcement Centre
// START ACP Site Announcement Centre Admin
'Announcements' => 'Announcements',
'Announcement_text' => 'Announcement Text:',
'Announcement_text_explain' => 'Enter Forum ID or Topic ID to use the first or latest post. Announcements are populated in the following order <br /><strong>1.</strong> Forum ID, if none entered then <br /><strong>2.</strong> Topic ID, if none entered then <br /><strong>3.</strong> Custom announcement text',
'Announcement_guest_text' => 'Guests only:',
'Announcement_main_title' => 'Site Announcement Configuration',
'Announcement_main_title_explain' => 'Site Announcements with optional announcements for guests.',
'Announcement_block_title' => 'ACP Site Announcement Centre',
'Announcement_draft_text' => 'Announcement:',
'Announcement_draft_text_explain' => 'When completed - Click <strong>Copy to</strong> the relevant field.',
'Show_announcement_text' => 'Show Announcements:',
'Select_all' => 'Select All',
'Copy_to_Announcement' => 'Copy to Site Announcement',
'Copy_to_Guest_Announcement' => 'Copy to Guest Announcement',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'Yes' => 'Yes',
'No' => 'No',
'Show_announcement_all' => 'Everyone',
'Show_announcement_reg' => 'Registered Users',
'Show_announcement_mod' => 'Moderators',
'Show_announcement_adm' => 'Admins',
'Show_announcement_who' => 'Show to:',
'Announcement_guests_only' => 'Different for Guests:',
'Announcement_guests_only_explain' => 'If <strong>Yes,</strong> you cannot use "Show to: Everyone". <br /><br />',
'Announcement_updated' => 'Site Announcement Configuration updated successfully',
'Announcement_draft_updated' => 'Preview generated successfully',
'Click_return_announcement' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Site Announcement Configuration',
'Forum_ID' => 'Forum ID',
'Topic_ID' => 'Topic ID',
'Announcement_forum_topic_latest' => 'Latest Post',
'Announcement_forum_topic_first' => 'First Post',
'Announcement_title' => 'Site Title:',
'Announcement_title_explain' => 'Change the Title or use default.',
'Announcement_guest_title' => 'Guest Title:',
'Announcement_guest_title_explain' => 'Change the Title or use default.',
'Announcement_default_title_explain' => '<strong>Default Title: </strong>',
// END ACP Site Announcement Centre Admin
// START ACP Site Announcement Centre Front End
'Site_announcement_block_title' => 'Site Announcement',
'Guest_announcement_block_title' => 'Guest Announcement',
// END ACP Site Announcement Centre Front End
// END ACP Site Announcement Centre
* @package Icy Phoenix Modifications
* @File $Id: lang_extend_acp_site_announcement_centre.php
* @copyright (c) 2007 lefty74
* @email:
* @license: h**p:// GNU Public License
* @Extra credits for this file
* Modified for Icy Phoenix by Lopalong - 01-January-2009
// ------------[ Contributors ]-------------------
// Translated to "??" by "??"
// Website: "??"
if (!defined('IN_ICYPHOENIX'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
// START ACP Site Announcement Centre
// START ACP Site Announcement Centre Admin
'Announcements' => 'Announcements',
'Announcement_text' => 'Announcement Text:',
'Announcement_text_explain' => 'Enter Forum ID or Topic ID to use the first or latest post. Announcements are populated in the following order <br /><strong>1.</strong> Forum ID, if none entered then <br /><strong>2.</strong> Topic ID, if none entered then <br /><strong>3.</strong> Custom announcement text',
'Announcement_guest_text' => 'Guests only:',
'Announcement_main_title' => 'Site Announcement Configuration',
'Announcement_main_title_explain' => 'Site Announcements with optional announcements for guests.',
'Announcement_block_title' => 'ACP Site Announcement Centre',
'Announcement_draft_text' => 'Announcement:',
'Announcement_draft_text_explain' => 'When completed - Click <strong>Copy to</strong> the relevant field.',
'Show_announcement_text' => 'Show Announcements:',
'Select_all' => 'Select All',
'Copy_to_Announcement' => 'Copy to Site Announcement',
'Copy_to_Guest_Announcement' => 'Copy to Guest Announcement',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'Yes' => 'Yes',
'No' => 'No',
'Show_announcement_all' => 'Everyone',
'Show_announcement_reg' => 'Registered Users',
'Show_announcement_mod' => 'Moderators',
'Show_announcement_adm' => 'Admins',
'Show_announcement_who' => 'Show to:',
'Announcement_guests_only' => 'Different for Guests:',
'Announcement_guests_only_explain' => 'If <strong>Yes,</strong> you cannot use "Show to: Everyone". <br /><br />',
'Announcement_updated' => 'Site Announcement Configuration updated successfully',
'Announcement_draft_updated' => 'Preview generated successfully',
'Click_return_announcement' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Site Announcement Configuration',
'Forum_ID' => 'Forum ID',
'Topic_ID' => 'Topic ID',
'Announcement_forum_topic_latest' => 'Latest Post',
'Announcement_forum_topic_first' => 'First Post',
'Announcement_title' => 'Site Title:',
'Announcement_title_explain' => 'Change the Title or use default.',
'Announcement_guest_title' => 'Guest Title:',
'Announcement_guest_title_explain' => 'Change the Title or use default.',
'Announcement_default_title_explain' => '<strong>Default Title: </strong>',
// END ACP Site Announcement Centre Admin
// START ACP Site Announcement Centre Front End
'Site_announcement_block_title' => 'Site Announcement',
'Guest_announcement_block_title' => 'Guest Announcement',
// END ACP Site Announcement Centre Front End
// END ACP Site Announcement Centre