Hello I just install my icyphoenix in my new hosting and my new hosting dont have add or publicity and since i am installing, look this
and I thought it was the hosting so i made a new htm and look, no adds, so what happened?
The thing I did,, it was download the ICYPHOENX, AND THE PATCH, AND THE LANGUAGE TO SPANISH, THEME P_BLACK, AND ICONS FOR P_BLACK put all together and upload the files, and i dont understand it never happened like this
Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
The first picture looks like an ad put in place after Icy Phoenix was installed.
You put up a message about your website being worked on or something, (sorry, I don't speak or read Spanish that great) but it would be a good idea to let us see this in action on your website instead of in a picture. :P
You put up a message about your website being worked on or something, (sorry, I don't speak or read Spanish that great) but it would be a good idea to let us see this in action on your website instead of in a picture. :P
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
yes the first picture shows, there is a add in my icyphoenix and the second one is a htm i did and there is not ads. how can i be possible>>???
if the ads would be from my hosting, it should be in both of them but it is only in the icy///
if the ads would be from my hosting, it should be in both of them but it is only in the icy///
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
seems that you puted your site to maintence
check it in ACP
check it in ACP
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
You still have the Install folder in place, and accessible :(
So unless you are re-installing it - I don't know how you got to login in the first place. ?
So unless you are re-installing it - I don't know how you got to login in the first place. ?
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
where exactly it can be in ACP, or where can i be that ads ???
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
Is this supposed your be your new paid host? h**p://cv-zone.net/
And when people ask for a link to your site to see what is going on - Please have the courtesy to provide one.
Try clicking it. - it's not even installed! :shock:
And when people ask for a link to your site to see what is going on - Please have the courtesy to provide one.
Try clicking it. - it's not even installed! :shock:
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
i am uploading the files right now, but when i installed the first time, i saw that add so i thought i did something bad and i am doing everything again. so wait one minute, I am just saying i put a html saying MY WEBSITE IS NOT ONLINE RIGHT NOW, and I dont see any ADs but in the ICY PHOENIX I can see it, so I thought iif it was the hosting i would show me an ads , i hope someone can understand me
sorry for bad english
sorry for bad english
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
what is going on :shock: http://cv-zone.net/ i m redirected to google when i click on your link
what is link of your host, or free host can u write it here please?
lvliguel wrote: [View Post]
what is going on :shock: http://cv-zone.net/ i m redirected to google when i click on your link
what is link of your host, or free host can u write it here please?
Subject: Re: Publicity In My Icyphoenix?
By your continued questions about everything going wrong:
It appears by the last two responses that you have no idea of what you are doing or what you should be doing.
Icy Phoenix is not the place to learn about hosts and servers or how to install anything simple, let alone trying to install something like Icy Phoenix.
You have a lot to learn apparently - and until you have Icy Phoenix installed and working properly, any other questions are meaningless.
If you are having host, server problems - adverts popping up or other server related questions - Please take them up with your ISP.
I also have a question:
Is this you at h**p://***.icyphoenix.es/ ?
lvliguel wrote: [View Post]
By your continued questions about everything going wrong:
It appears by the last two responses that you have no idea of what you are doing or what you should be doing.
Icy Phoenix is not the place to learn about hosts and servers or how to install anything simple, let alone trying to install something like Icy Phoenix.
You have a lot to learn apparently - and until you have Icy Phoenix installed and working properly, any other questions are meaningless.
If you are having host, server problems - adverts popping up or other server related questions - Please take them up with your ISP.
I also have a question:
Is this you at h**p://***.icyphoenix.es/ ?
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