Language File Otf.php Couldn't Be Opened.

Subject: Language File Otf.php Couldn't Be Opened.

i have instal the mod otf_gallery_0_5_1
but when i wont to go to the Load otf_gallery.php into your browser
then i get this error

Algemene fout
Language file otf.php couldn't be opened.
Gelieve de beheerder of webmaster te contacteren:

can sombody tell me what i have to do
i hope you can read this because my engels is not so good

Subject: Re: Language File Otf.php Couldn't Be Opened.
lamstraal wrote: [View Post]
i have instal the mod otf_gallery_0_5_1
but when i wont to go to the Load otf_gallery.php into your browser
then i get this error

Algemene fout
Language file otf.php couldn't be opened.

I guess you didn't create otf.php into your language/mods folder... right?

Duplicate the English one and then translate it... it should work.

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