I don't found it.
Is it in forum? knowlege? download database?
[STYLE] - Milky Way
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
I don't find the changes in Styles still :-(
Thanks, KasLimosn, But I only found the file to install, not changes in styles.
what can I change Milky way without loose any mods and modification which I made?
Thanks, KasLimosn, But I only found the file to install, not changes in styles.
what can I change Milky way without loose any mods and modification which I made?
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
The Code Changes Aexo.
You have to look at the files that were modified in the folder /styles/.
You have to look at the files that were modified in the folder /styles/.
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
ah! ok.
I was looking for a text file with changes, so I could change it by code. Then have I to edit the new files and upload it? 2 files are very modified :-(
well, I'll do it.
Thanks about your pacient.
I was looking for a text file with changes, so I could change it by code. Then have I to edit the new files and upload it? 2 files are very modified :-(
well, I'll do it.
Thanks about your pacient.
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
my test site
IP PHPBB3 demo:
absolutely MG, I am using IE7 and here are the links:Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
my test site
IP PHPBB3 demo:
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
hehe it is just a column to display Post Icons :)
to make sure edit one of the topics and choose Topic Icon and submit it will display that icon in the empty space ;)
If you don want to display it in a dedicated forum .. you may disable topic icons from admin panel
Regards, 8)
xmenfile wrote: [View Post]
hehe it is just a column to display Post Icons :)
to make sure edit one of the topics and choose Topic Icon and submit it will display that icon in the empty space ;)
If you don want to display it in a dedicated forum .. you may disable topic icons from admin panel
Regards, 8)
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
I confirm that the space is reserved to topic icons, but what is strange is that in IE there are no borders of the cells...
I will check...
I will check...
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
There is a problem, Mighty
By testing the template in some screen size, I think Milky way have a fixed width, right ?
Now I want to have more space at left side and right side of screen (on all screen size), how can I do this ?
This will anable us to add some Google adds !
By testing the template in some screen size, I think Milky way have a fixed width, right ?
Now I want to have more space at left side and right side of screen (on all screen size), how can I do this ?
This will anable us to add some Google adds !
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
I've some trouble changing the width of the template. I edited _mg_config.html and I changed <!-- DEFINE $MG_GLOBAL_WIDTH = '750px' --> (so that the width would be 750px). When I open the template in Internet Explorer, there is no problem, it works fine. But when I open it in Firefox, the template is not centered: there is more blank space in the left side than in the right side.
In Internet Explorer: http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/2468/ieto1.jpg
In Firefox: http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/5035/70777467tp9.jpg
How can I fix that?
Thanks for the help
PS: my Site is http://www.keane-argentina.com.ar/Forum/index.php
In Internet Explorer: http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/2468/ieto1.jpg
In Firefox: http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/5035/70777467tp9.jpg
How can I fix that?
Thanks for the help
PS: my Site is http://www.keane-argentina.com.ar/Forum/index.php
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
750 is too few to contain the language vars of your forum.
Try to increase the size or to reduce the font of the menu bar.
Try to increase the size or to reduce the font of the menu bar.
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