FIXED Bug In Language File

Subject: Bug In Language File
Hile, neighbours and friends...

I've just found another bug.

In lang_main.php, around line 1306:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
$lang['Tell_Friend_Body'] = "Hi,nI just read the topic >>{TOPIC}<< at {SITENAME} and thought you might be interested. Here is the link: {LINK}nnGo and read it and if you want to reply you can register for your own account if you have not done so already.";

When a user uses the "Tell a friend" form, everything after the "<<" sign is lost.

You could change that line this way:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
$lang['Tell_Friend_Body'] = "Hi,nI just read the topic &laquo;{TOPIC}&raquo; at {SITENAME} and thought you might be interested. Here is the link: {LINK}nnGo and read it and if you want to reply you can register for your own account if you have not done so already.";

And that solves the problem...

Subject: Re: Bug In Language File
You make a little fault.

Your code block must be this

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
$lang['Tell_Friend_Body'] = "Hi,nI just read the topic &raquo;{TOPIC}&laquo; at {SITENAME} and thought you might be interested. Here is the link: {LINK}nnGo and read it and if you want to reply you can register for your own account if you have not done so already.";

Subject: Respuesta: Bug In Language File
mmm... But I don't know why the Right Quote (rquo) should be on de left side and why de Left Quote (lquo) shoud be on the right... That makes nonsense, isn't it?

Je, je, je... Just joking!!! ;)

Well, don't know exactly which one should go first or which one should go last... Just wanted to report the bug and a possible solution ;)

Subject: Re: Bug In Language File
Fixed... thanks!

Subject: Respuesta: FIXED -Bug In Language File
You're welcome!!!

Thanks, of course, to you!!

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