Couldn't Store Attachment

Subject: Couldn't Store Attachment
Hi here I am again sorry
When we want to put in a attachment we get this error
Who can help me with this problem?

Couldn't store Attachment.
Your post has been stored.


SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 1

INSERT INTO ip__attachments_desc (physical_filename, real_filename, comment, extension, mimetype, filesize, filetime, thumbnail) VALUES ('lessen_340_175.rar', 'lessen_340.rar', '', 'rar', 'application/force-download', 1881506, 1201165406, 0)

Line : 767
File : posting_attachments.php

It have always works fine but now not anymore.
I sears this forum for an answer but could not find it, olso I look in the ACP but I couldn't find it there.
The ccmod is 777.

Greetings Petra

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Couldn't Store Attachment
I think for some reason you lost the AUTOINCREMENT value in the attachment table... try to check it!

Subject: Re: Couldn't Store Attachment
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I think for some reason you lost the AUTOINCREMENT value in the attachment table... try to check it!

Thnx for your answer, but where can I find it?

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Couldn't Store Attachment
Do you have phpMyAdmin? Go phpMyAdmin>>your database>>attachments_desc

Check that field 'attach_id' has auto-increment (under "Extra").
If not, select edit for that field (pencil icon), go across to the "Extra" drop-down menu and select "auto increment".

It doesn't make sense that it shouldn't be auto-increment, perhaps some tables got corrupted, or you imported an SQL dump which didn't have full table structure...

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