Hello people.
Here you have the language for IP RC 3.
Have been fixed gramatical errors reported by users and some that I found myself.
And made six or seve key changes language regarding the RC 2
Enjoy It !!!!
Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
Subject: Re: Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
Nice work again JANU! :mrorange:
Thanks friend 8)
Thanks friend 8)
Subject: Re: Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
viva españa ole y ole y ole ; haber si hay por aki algun español que me pueda hechar un cable , tengo unas dudillas con el servidor y me vendria genial que en 5 minutos me aconsejase.
aki de jo mi messenger para el que me quiera ayudar , ya le ayudare yo con un banner o pop ups en una de mis webs.
espero que me ayudess graciassssssssssssssssssssssss
ThE KuKa wrote: [View Post]
viva españa ole y ole y ole ; haber si hay por aki algun español que me pueda hechar un cable , tengo unas dudillas con el servidor y me vendria genial que en 5 minutos me aconsejase.
aki de jo mi messenger para el que me quiera ayudar , ya le ayudare yo con un banner o pop ups en una de mis webs.
espero que me ayudess graciassssssssssssssssssssssss
Subject: Re: Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
Excelente/Excelent :mricy: :mrblue: :mrorange: :mrviolet: :mrgreen:
Subject: Re: Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
Man, i know this works it´s done, but when you have work to do with translations you can, tell met, i'll be happy a lot helping with something
Subject: Re: Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
Great job!
It's nice to have icy phoenix in spanish :mricy:
It's nice to have icy phoenix in spanish :mricy:
Subject: Re: Oficial Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 3
Users Icy Phoenix RC 3
Update to Icy Phoenix Read this post please and use this new Spanish language package for Icy Phoenix
Greets :)
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Update to Icy Phoenix Read this post please and use this new Spanish language package for Icy Phoenix
Greets :)
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