How Do I Edit Rules.php

Subject: How Do I Edit Rules.php
can some tell how to edit rules.php

and my custom rules

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Subject: Re: How Do I Edit Rules.php
ACP -> Faq&Rules -> Choose language -> Retrieve File -> edit the Rules

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Subject: Re: How Do I Edit Rules.php
I am getting this error, though i have changed chmod to 666 and 777 also, but the error continues

You must make the language file in language/lang_english/ or equivilent writeable to use this control panel. On UNIX, this means running chmod 666 filename. Most FTP clients can do through the properties sheet for a file, otherwise you can use telnet or SSH.


Line : 181
File : admin_faq_editor.php


Profile PM  
Subject: Re: How Do I Edit Rules.php
some one help please

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: How Do I Edit Rules.php
Edit it manually if you have errors.

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