PayPal Contributors

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Subject: PayPal Contributors
I would like to thanks here all the users which have donated for Icy Phoenix.

Click here to access Donations History

Thank you very much for your contributions.


Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
Thanks to you for your help.

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
it's a thousand pities that the list has only 4 supporters :o sometimes people can't really appreciate other's work! i feel :x thinking about that

:girl_02: go super-mighty :girl_02:

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
I don't care too much... Open Source it's a philosophy. :mri:

Of course I appreciate donation, but I would do this anyway... :wink:

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
An extra donor added to the list.

Thank you Ertan Kurt. :mri:

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
A big thanks to UMTS Italia for their extra contribution for this project and for the customizations they need. :mri:

Thanks to Christopher Walker as well. :mri:

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
Thank you to our Translations Leader ThE KuKa. :oops:

Big thanks my friend you already did so much for this community... no need to donate money :oops: ... but thank you very much.

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
BIG thanks Luca (and this Staff) :)

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
List updated.

Thank you all.

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
... a big thank to you!! :mrblue:

Thank you for your as hard as great job! :mro:

Just a small contribution that I hope will grow up.

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
A contribution for your hard work Luca :wink:

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
Im not have money in Paypal :cry: for donate to IcyPhoenix

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
I have coded a small tool to keep track of all donations... first post updated.

Thank you all. :wink:

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors

I cannot click on the paypal button in Home. It's my error or it's a template error?

Thanks :) .

Subject: Re: PayPal Contributors
It was a lang file error... :roll:

It should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting. :LOL:

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