Dutch Languagepack (IP

Subject: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Hi All,

I'm proud to report you the new release of my, the complete reviewed dutch languagepack for Icy Phoenix and from now on, i post changelogs if anyone find grammatic and spell issues. The most actual updates can be found @ phpBBXS.nl in the bugtracker topic(in Dutch). It have cost a lot of time so, i hope you will report errors and bugs to my so the language pack is good and with no errors! Maybe can you place a comment here or on my own site.

This is a summertime release and i'm proud to say, here you can download it!

Dutch Translation for IP
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version: Dutch language pack (version 1.0.0d)
Release Spot: The summertime release!!!

DOWNLOAD: Dutch Language Pack for IP (language pack version 1.0.0d)

Good luck with this translation and enjoy your Dutch Icy Phoenix website.


Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Thanks, added in download section.


Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
I'm trying to download it but on this site the package cant be found and on the site of brandsrus I only get one .php file and I dont know what to do with it :oops: , can someone help me out maybe??
I tried to post this on brandsrus site but somehow I cant register it sais that i'm on some blacklist?? :shock: :shock:

Thanks in advance for any help. :D

Last edited by Moon on Wed 29 Aug, 2007 15:17; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Moon wrote: [View Post]
I'm trying to download it but on this site the package cant be fount and on the site of brandsrus I only get one .php file and I dont know what to do with it, can someone help me out maybe??
The following link works good, http://www.phpBBXS.nl/dload.php?action=file&file_id=12 and click on download button on that page.

Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Hi Brandsrus,

I tried that and i have downloaded that file but its only 1 .php file no maps nothing only a file called dload.php what should I do with this?? :oops: :oops:

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Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Moon wrote: [View Post]
Hi Brandsrus,

I tried that and i have downloaded that file but its only 1 .php file no maps nothing only a file called dload.php what should I do with this?? :oops: :oops:

That isn't inpossible. See screen:


It works correctly.

In Dutch:

Je moet klikken op de downloadbutton op mijn website en volgens mij is het mogelijk dat je als gast de vertaling kunt downloaden. Op mijn screenshot is te zien dat het werkt. Als je dat uitpakt zit je mappen en dergelijke verschijnen.

Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
No i dont get that what you are showing me i get this, please see printscreen:


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Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Next step, give it a try, i have an attachment added to this post http://www.phpBBXS.nl/viewtopic.php?p=406#p406 , hopefully can you download this attachment. It is the same version as in the downloadsection!

Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Sorry I get the same again. :cry:

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Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Strange, can you PM me your e-mailadres or something, for this time i will send you the package! i think it is a problem with your browser, but i don't no what the problem is.

Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
Thank you so mutch for your time and helping me out I really apriciate it!! :D

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Subject: Re: Dutch Languagepack (IP
No problem! if you find some mistakes in the translation, report it!

Good luck with using this package!

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