yes Sir it's ok :mricy: 8)
Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
it will be true to add ina tables to includes/functions_dbmtnc.php :wink:
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Since Activity is an addon, I won't add those tables in default package. :wink:
But we may add instructions on how to add those tables into that file. :wink:
difus wrote: [View Post]
Since Activity is an addon, I won't add those tables in default package. :wink:
But we may add instructions on how to add those tables into that file. :wink:
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Thanks, I'll create a new package including also these instructions.
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Thanks for you fix, Andrea ;)
Note: The official package has not been fixed yet.
I found another bug in top scores and solved like you did ;)
Fatal error: Call to undefined function color_group_colorize_name() in .../amod/activity_top_scores_search.php on line 44
OPEN amod/activity_top_scores_search.php
andrea75 wrote: [View Post]
Thanks for you fix, Andrea ;)
Note: The official package has not been fixed yet.
I found another bug in top scores and solved like you did ;)
Fatal error: Call to undefined function color_group_colorize_name() in .../amod/activity_top_scores_search.php on line 44
OPEN amod/activity_top_scores_search.php
$search = $_GET['user'];
if ($search)
$template->set_filenames(array('body' => ACTIVITY_MOD_PATH . 'activity_top_scores_search_body.tpl'));
if ($search)
$template->set_filenames(array('body' => ACTIVITY_MOD_PATH . 'activity_top_scores_search_body.tpl'));
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
This package won't be updated, because I'll release a new version compatible with latest IP when the new version will be out.
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Oh... ok MG... I've worked on it all the day and found many little errors... too bad I don't have the knowledgements to fix that on my own :(
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Oh... ok MG... I've worked on it all the day and found many little errors... too bad I don't have the knowledgements to fix that on my own :(
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Most of them are already solved.
Try Activity @ to test.
Try Activity @ to test.
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
I know... but I downloaded the package and I am testing it on my site... and still found some errors like those I've posted the fix for, above.
And now this, when you click on the best player trophies, there is a conflict with the color groups mod...
I know the error is here
I know that the error is caused by the $usersname variable (the code generated contains html parsing that causes Ctracker to stop it) ... I saw you solved it on, can you just tell me how did you solved it?
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I know... but I downloaded the package and I am testing it on my site... and still found some errors like those I've posted the fix for, above.
And now this, when you click on the best player trophies, there is a conflict with the color groups mod...
I know the error is here
/* Info for the person with the most trophies */
$q = "SELECT *
ORDER BY user_trophies DESC
LIMIT 0, 1";
$r = $db->sql_query($q);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($r);
$usersname = color_group_colorize_name($row['user_id']);
$usersid = $row['user_id'];
$userstrophies = $row['user_trophies'];
if ($usersid != ANONYMOUS)
$top_player1 = str_replace('%n%', "<a href='". append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&u=$usersid") ."' class='nav'>". $usersname ."</a>", $lang['info_box_top_trophy_holder1']);
$top_player1 = str_replace('%n%', $usersname, $lang['info_box_top_trophy_holder1']);
$top_player2 = str_replace('%t%', "<a href='". append_sid("activity.$phpEx?page=trophy_search&user=$usersname") ."' class='nav'>". $userstrophies ."</a>", $top_player1);
$top_player = $top_player2;
$q = "SELECT *
ORDER BY user_trophies DESC
LIMIT 0, 1";
$r = $db->sql_query($q);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($r);
$usersname = color_group_colorize_name($row['user_id']);
$usersid = $row['user_id'];
$userstrophies = $row['user_trophies'];
if ($usersid != ANONYMOUS)
$top_player1 = str_replace('%n%', "<a href='". append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&u=$usersid") ."' class='nav'>". $usersname ."</a>", $lang['info_box_top_trophy_holder1']);
$top_player1 = str_replace('%n%', $usersname, $lang['info_box_top_trophy_holder1']);
$top_player2 = str_replace('%t%', "<a href='". append_sid("activity.$phpEx?page=trophy_search&user=$usersname") ."' class='nav'>". $userstrophies ."</a>", $top_player1);
$top_player = $top_player2;
I know that the error is caused by the $usersname variable (the code generated contains html parsing that causes Ctracker to stop it) ... I saw you solved it on, can you just tell me how did you solved it?
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Oh my God I feel so idiot... the error was the variable? Just create another one!
(I can't use the solution of the beta package because the color groups function is different and I think it wouldn't work on )
Vortex wrote: [View Post]
Oh my God I feel so idiot... the error was the variable? Just create another one!
(I can't use the solution of the beta package because the color groups function is different and I think it wouldn't work on )
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
I know that this mod is not supported, but i have a little problem.
Critical Error
Sorry, the games are currently offline until the admin upgrades/installs the current version. The current version is 1.1.0. Your version is Unknown.
I try to install and drop the cache, but nothing, and i don't know which upgrade choose.
Some counsel?
Thanks, and if don't give support, don't worry, I'll understand.
Critical Error
Sorry, the games are currently offline until the admin upgrades/installs the current version. The current version is 1.1.0. Your version is Unknown.
I try to install and drop the cache, but nothing, and i don't know which upgrade choose.
Some counsel?
Thanks, and if don't give support, don't worry, I'll understand.
Subject: Re: Activity Mod For Icy Phoenix
Did you go in ACP and installed Activity after having enabled the var in constants?
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