How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb

Subject: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
hello i use phoenix pbpbb+phpbb (last 2.x) but i change of localhost to a server( i used cookies mod to repair paths but when login redirect to localhost, i edit config.php, there is other file to edit to change the paths? thanks

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
Hi, robin cracker
When changing path of the Icy, you also should change script_path and server_name values in phpbb_config table in SQL.

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
hi thanks in my
script_path : /

its ok or must bet absolue path of the server. please check may be is my browse cache, but now the themes dont show :shock:
thanks you for you help

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
You need to do at least 2 things:
  1. Delete contrib and install directories from your Icy Phoenix root
  2. Execute this SQL query:
    Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    UPDATE `phpbb_config` SET `config_value` = '' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'server_name' LIMIT 1 ;
If you used other table prefix during instalation, replace both "phpbb" strings in this query with your table prefix.
I think this should be enough to get your board running, but anyway post here is everything ok after completing these steps.


Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
thank you i solve it may be dont clear cache because used a clean cache software but when clean t o firefox menu run ok, thank you for your help y new i phpbb, is very cool i themes desing very good, only in smf exist the repiar settings to repiar paths and phpbb is by phpmyadmin

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
I don't understand what you are saying :blink2:

But I got the solved part :mryellow: , and I can see that your site is working fine now, so this is probably solved.

Good luck with IP

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
well i have ther problem can acces to admin panel but when i try to create a forum a blank screen appear pres refresh but nothin. clean the cache folder ibut don solve :?

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
If you have access to ACP, go to DB Maintenance and perform "synchronize forums and topics" and also "check post and topic tables". Do you see these forums in ACP->Forum Management"? If you can, try checking view permissions for these forums (View permissions must not be set to none, it can be any other option, though), because on your forum I can see one forum with one topic inside it.
Also clear Icy cache directory.

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
:cry: dont work too i follow this guide
but the same problem too when i try clen cache themes in cp panel appear blank page and dont continue the sources of blank page is

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html dir="">
<!-- IE conditional comments: -->
<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
/* IE hack to emulate the :hover & :focus pseudo-classes
Add the selectors below that required the extra attributes */
.row1h, .row1h-new { behavior: url("../templates/common/"); }
<title>Icy Phoenix Administration</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../templates/common/ACP.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../images/favicon.ico">
<frameset rows="45px,*" frameborder="no" framespacing="0">
<frame src="xs2_head.php?sid=7732cea577f66fb9d4e5999f5a574abf" scrolling="no">
<frameset cols="200,*" border="2" framespacing="0" frameborder="yes">

<frame src="index.php?pane=left&amp;sid=7732cea577f66fb9d4e5999f5a574abf" name="nav" marginwidth="3" marginheight="3" scrolling="auto">
<frame src="index.php?pane=right&amp;sid=7732cea577f66fb9d4e5999f5a574abf" name="main" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" scrolling="auto">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<p>Sorry, your browser doesn't seem to support frames</p>

but when use the same installation on localhost work ok too delte cache directory however no all files are deleted.

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
the problem is that the forum dont create. blank screen appear when clic in create forum

Subject: Re: How Change Of Server Phoenix Phpbb
Remove templates/common/ACP dir, and reupload it again from the package. Make sure that CHMOD for this dir is at least 755.
And you must not remove cache directory, only files in it. Also make sure that cache dir has CHMOD777. After these steps resync forums again in DB Maintenance.
Check permissions on includes/def_themes.php, includes/def_tree.php and includes/def_words.php, they should be CHMOD666.
You may also try to reupload these 3 files fresh from the package (but backup your old ones first), an set correct CHMOD to them.

Keep us posted

Off Topic
I modified your post a little. When you post images, use [img] tag, do not add it as attachment

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