Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Version

Subject: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Version
Below is the view when you click the Album link:

album_get_auth_keys =

array = (
['keys'] => array = (
[-1] => 0
['id'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['real_level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['idx'] => array = (
[0] => -1

album_get_auth_keys =

array = (
['keys'] => array = (
[-1] => 0
['id'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['real_level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['idx'] => array = (
[0] => -1

$user_id = 0
$cur_cat_id = -1
$display = 1
album data =

array = ()

authentication keys =

array = (
['keys'] => array = (
[-1] => 0
['id'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['real_level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['idx'] => array = (
[0] => -1


and then the folders.

Below is the view from the ACP

album_get_auth_keys =
array = (
['keys'] => array = (
[-1] => 0
['id'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['real_level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['level'] => array = (
[0] => -1
['idx'] => array = (
[0] => -1

Sorry I have no idea how to fix this. Please help me :)

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
Also, when I click on 'My Personal Gallery, I get this:

album_permissions : before album_user_access : 'Personal Gallery Of Crazygal'(id=0), $album_permission =

array = (
['view'] => 1,
['upload'] => 1

album_permissions : after album_user_access : 'Personal Gallery Of Crazygal'(id=0), $album_permission =

array = (
['view'] => 1,
['upload'] => 1

$album_config['personal_gallery'] = 0
final : $album_permission =

array = (
['view'] => 1,
['upload'] => 1,
['manage'] => 1,
['rate'] => 1,
['edit'] => 1,
['delete'] => 1,
['comment'] => 1,
['moderator'] => 1


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cbowner/public_html/album_mod/album_hierarchy_debug.php:77) in /home/cbowner/public_html/includes/page_header.php on line 1274

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cbowner/public_html/album_mod/album_hierarchy_debug.php:77) in /home/cbowner/public_html/includes/page_header.php on line 1276

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cbowner/public_html/album_mod/album_hierarchy_debug.php:77) in /home/cbowner/public_html/includes/page_header.php on line 1277

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
Can you post a link to your board please?

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
Nevermind the link. I found it.
Do you have a test account?

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
No I don't but I'll add one if you like.

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
Yes, please. You'll understand that I don't want to create an account at every board i might support.
Alternatively you can set permissions so that guests can show the gallary, at least temporary.

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
I have a test now, do you need Admin access?

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
That is a weird problem.
ACP Access to Album module would be helpful, so i can have a look at your settings. Might be a permissions issue.

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
I think it's a permission problem, but Tom is more expert than me... better if he take a look...

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
Thanks guys, you both have the test account details, I'll give it Admin access now :)

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
I'm going to have a look sometime today...

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
There seems to be something wrong with your Album function files. Could you please re-upload all *.php files in the /album/ directory from the original package?

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
Tom wrote: [View Post]
There seems to be something wrong with your Album function files. Could you please re-upload all *.php files in the /album/ directory from the original package?

I can have a go yes, not done that before as my host always does these things.

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
That didn't work guys. I'm helping Claire out right now. Do you think it may be something to do with the admin album php files?

Subject: Re: Albums Still Not Working, Even Since Upgrade To New Vers
not only admin
with all album files [I think tpls no]
and includesdirectory

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