Hello people.
Finally I have finished the spanish languaje.
In this new version there were many changes, but it is here…
This version is adapted for the first released of the Beta.
Does not stop the patch that was sent later.
The following revision I will make it in the next beta.
On the other hand.
I want to make mention to all those users who daily have put messages putting haste for this translation.
I invite to them to make the translations of the language in future versions :mrviolet:
Enjoy It !!!
Download from here:
Spanish Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Subject: Re: Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
THANKSSSSSSSSS, :) gracias muchas gracias
nice job
I`m the first :cop:
nice job
I`m the first :cop:
Subject: Re: Spanish Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Thanks JANU for your wonderful work.
And sorry by some impatient Spanish users, is shameful the behavior of few. :twisted:
Thanks again friend! :D
And sorry by some impatient Spanish users, is shameful the behavior of few. :twisted:
Thanks again friend! :D
Subject: Re: Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Great work JANU, finally icy_phoenix in Spanish. I waited very anxious this moment.
Thank you very much by your collaboration.
Gran trabajo JANU, por fin ya podemos tener los foros icy_phoenix en español. Esperaba muy ansioso este momento.
Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.
Great work JANU, finally icy_phoenix in Spanish. I waited very anxious this moment.
Thank you very much by your collaboration.
Gran trabajo JANU, por fin ya podemos tener los foros icy_phoenix en español. Esperaba muy ansioso este momento.
Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.
Subject: Re: Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
:mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow:
thanks JANU!!!!
thanks JANU!!!!
Subject: Re: Spanish Language for Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Thanks JANU, Download section updated.
Subject: Re: Spanish Language For Icy Phoenix RC 1.
Thanks, Is Great, Thanks Janu :mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow: :mryellow:
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