FAP CUSTOMIZATION - Why Don?t I See The Bbcode Field?

Subject: FAP CUSTOMIZATION - Why Don?t I See The Bbcode Field?

I found the FAP Album yesterday, installed it on my testboard and liked it inmediately. I have Attachment MOD installed on my liveboard but was never very happy with it. I´m sure FAP will be much nicer to use, more userfriendly. Thanks to everybody who made this big MOD. :loveit:

One question I have, why don´t I see the bbcode field with th code to copy and paste for posting in topics?
Is there a setting for this field somewhere in ACP?

I´ve looked at every single option a few times but don´t see it.


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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Just adding some observations,

When I open my personal gallery I see a thumbnail of the image I uploaded, without bbcode fieldbelow it. When I clcik on the image it opens in a new window in which I can only see the image.

However, when I click on the comments link under the thumbnail on my Personal Gallery Index I can see the image at intermediate size and below that image I can see the bbcode field.

I´m wondering if I´m supposed to be able to see that bbcode field below the thumbnails on the index also, and if not, is it possible to see bbcode there as well.

It would be a pity if bbcode can only be seen in such a "tricky" way because I´m sure many of my visitors would have big trouble localizing it.

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
I just discovered that if I disallow Image to show in a popup window the full image shows when thumbnail is clicked and has the bbcode field below it.

So I consider my question as answered. :P

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Great, you received my telepathic message :icy_lol_flag:

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?

It´s quite a complicated configuration but I´m finding my way through it. :wink:

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Dogs and things wrote: [View Post]
Just adding some observations,

When I open my personal gallery I see a thumbnail of the image I uploaded, without bbcode fieldbelow it. When I clcik on the image it opens in a new window in which I can only see the image.

However, when I click on the comments link under the thumbnail on my Personal Gallery Index I can see the image at intermediate size and below that image I can see the bbcode field.

I´m wondering if I´m supposed to be able to see that bbcode field below the thumbnails on the index also, and if not, is it possible to see bbcode there as well.

It would be a pity if bbcode can only be seen in such a "tricky" way because I´m sure many of my visitors would have big trouble localizing it.

Inserting the BBCode below the thumbnail could stretch the page... unless you use a fixed width text box, which is what I'm using here for the UPLOAD IMAGES feature.

I'll think about it.

Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Nice Mighty,

It would be nice if you managed to put a bbcode-box below thumbnail. It would allow to switch on lightbox and midsize picture without getting newbee users lost without being able to find the code to paste in their posts.

Greetings. :P

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
I think this may have been an intended feature at one time, but was never completed.

OPEN album_mod/album_hierarchy_sql.php

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IMG_BBCODE' => ( ($userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) || ($userdata['user_id'] == $picrow[$j]['pic_user_id']) ) ? '<br /><a href="javasript://" OnClick="window.clipboardData.setData('Text', '[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]'); return false;">' . $lang['BBCode_Copy'] . '</a>' : ''

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IMG_BBCODE' => ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? '<hr width="85%">BBCode:<br /><form name="select_all" action=""><input name="BBCode" size="26" maxlength="100" value="[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]" type="text" readonly="1" onClick="javascript:this.form.BBCode.focus();this.form.BBCode.select();"></form>': ''

OPEN templates/subSilver/album_cat_body.tpl

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<!-- {index_pics_block.picrow.pic_detail.IMG_BBCODE} -->

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]

OPEN album_allpics.php

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IP' => ($userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) ? $lang['IP_Address'] . ': <a href="http://whois.sc/' . decode_ip($picrow[$j]['pic_user_ip']) . '" target="_blank">' . decode_ip($picrow[$j]['pic_user_ip']) . '</a><br />' : ''

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IP' => ($userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) ? $lang['IP_Address'] . ': <a href="http://whois.sc/' . decode_ip($picrow[$j]['pic_user_ip']) . '" target="_blank">' . decode_ip($picrow[$j]['pic_user_ip']) . '</a><br />' : '',

'IMG_BBCODE' => ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? '<hr width="85%">BBCode:<br /><form name="select_all" action=""><input name="BBCode" size="26" maxlength="100" value="[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]" type="text" readonly="1" onClick="javascript:this.form.BBCode.focus();this.form.BBCode.select();"></form>': ''

OPEN templates/subSilver/album_memberlist_body.tpl

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Hello Artie,

Thanks for looking at this.

What happens is that
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<a href="javascript://" OnClick="window.clipboardData.setData('Text', '[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]'); return false;">' . $lang['BBCode_Copy'] . '</a>
causes a clickable "copy bbcode line" which doesn´t work in Firefox. In IE it does work but Firefox says it doesn´t know how to open because the javascript isn´t associated with a program.

Can this be solved?

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
I guess this is why this was not implemented. Seems FireFox has this ability disabled by default.
I think the next best thing would be to display the BBCode as it is in album_showpage.


Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IMG_BBCODE' => ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? '<hr width="85%">[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]<br /><a href="javascript://" OnClick="window.clipboardData.setData('Text', '[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]'); return false;">' . $lang['BBCode_Copy'] . '</a>' : ''

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IMG_BBCODE' => ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? '<hr width="85%">BBCode:<br /><form name="select_all" action=""><input name="BBCode" size="26" maxlength="100" value="[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]" type="text" readonly="1" onClick="javascript:this.form.BBCode.focus();this.form.BBCode.select();"></form>': ''

Updated code blocks above

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Now it´s working nicely.

The only thing I changed in your code is
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"[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]"
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"[fullalbumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/fullalbumimg]"
so that people post the whole pic and not the thumbnail in their posts.

Thanks a lot for your help, much apreciated. :up:

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
You are welcome 8)

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
Artie wrote: [View Post]
I guess this is why this was not implemented. Seems FireFox has this ability disabled by default.
I think the next best thing would be to display the BBCode as it is in album_showpage.


Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IMG_BBCODE' => ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? '<hr width="85%">[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]<br /><a href="javascript://" OnClick="window.clipboardData.setData('Text', '[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]'); return false;">' . $lang['BBCode_Copy'] . '</a>' : ''

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
'IMG_BBCODE' => ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? '<hr width="85%">BBCode:<br /><form name="select_all" action=""><input name="BBCode" size="26" maxlength="100" value="[albumimg]' . $picrow[$j]['pic_id'] . '[/albumimg]" type="text" readonly="1" onClick="javascript:this.form.BBCode.focus();this.form.BBCode.select();"></form>': ''

Updated code blocks above

The file to modify with block above is album_hierarchy_sql.php, I suppose...or album_allpics.php? Or both?

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Subject: Re: Why Don´t I See The Bbcode Field?
album_hierarchy_sql.php only.

I don´t think you´ll find this block in album_allpics.php. :P

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