Re: Fixed Profile Width With Fluid Width In Frozen Phoenix For PhpBB 3
Have you considered all of the problems that you are creating for yourself by wanting to change the layout of the template?
If you ever want to add MODS that use either of those fields, then they are not going to install in the way they were designed to.
phpBB3 is bad enough with both its template system and the way it installs MODS with AutoMod etc, and you're going to make it even worse. Other than that - you will need to have the expertise to adjust any mods to suit your own "New" style, as you will probably get very little help from MOD-Writers to overcome any of the problems you've created for yourself by diverting from the default layout.
Just thought I'd mention that! Because
(Assuming that you will at one time want to install some MODS) you are going to have to learn a whole lot more programming stuff other than just changing the markup you're doing at the moment.