To create a new page using your CMS functions:
Follow this path: CMS>
You should be here:
Example 1:

Now you can click on the icon where mouse is; (middle icon in top row), or from the menu on the left you can click on CMS pages ADV.
You will see the CMS menu listing for all of your pages. Since you haven't created any pages yet, you should only see 2:
Example 2:

To create a new page, click on the button in the bottom right of page menu area called "Add Site Page".
You should now be on this page:
Example 3:

Begin creating your page by filling in the first field with the page name. When you fill this in, it will be your page title when viewing the page after it's created. (showing up on the top left as it does on any web page)
Example 4:

Now, continue by filling in the next field with what your page will actually be named in your file system. I recommend using lower case with no spaces, and end the page name with the suffix .php
Like this:
Example 5:

Now, choose what layout you want on the page you are creating using the dropdown box that is on that same page as above. ( 3_column.tpl, central_block.tpl, etc.)
Now, using the bullet style buttons, the next features you will choose will be:
Show global blocks yes or no (this will place the dynamic menu on the page)
Show breadcrumbs (the menu path that will appear that shows the file path to your page displayed on the top left center navigation area).
The next 2 things are important.
Using the next dropdown, choose your view permissions. (all, REG, MOD, ADMIN)
The last dropdown, choose who can edit this page. (for safety reasons, don't let it default to ALL), I always choose "Content Manager".
Click "submit", and your page is now created.
Remember, to view or edit your page go to CMS>CMS Pages ADV to view/edit your page. You will see all the options there you need to edit your page or add blocks.
After your page is created and you like it, you can always go back to CMS>CMS pages, and you will see the list of pages there like in example 2 above, or you can go to that page, (I recommend saving that page after you create it as favorites in your browser for easy access at all times)......------or------when viewing that page go to the bottom and click on CMS and you will be taken to the add/edit blocks page to make any changes.