Tags And Keywordsbbcode, customization, html, iframe

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Since some users are asking how to destroy their sites... I've decided to help them in this task.

Here is a way to enable IFRAME and more generally full HTML code in posts... I'm strongly against this modification, and I strongly invite all of you to not apply this unless you know very well what you are doing and the risk you are facing.

There will be no support for this... and I take no responsibility for all the damage that may arise on your site and your PC... yes your PC as well could be attacked and damaged by enabling this.

Creating IFRAME BBCode:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

Enabling HTML tags:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

How to generally allow full HTML in posts:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

Read again carefully the first lines of this post before proceding... do you really want to proceed? The whole risk is up to you... Good Luck!!! :roll:

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
Thanks Luca,

i know you have not much time but i have some ideas about this.

If you´ll be back from your vacations, please contact me via MSN and we can speak about my ideas to this.


Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
sorry wrong post

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
KugeLSichA wrote: [View Post]
Thanks Luca,

i know you have not much time but i have some ideas about this.

If you´ll be back from your vacations, please contact me via MSN and we can speak about my ideas to this.


No problem... I can guess what you would like to suggest... but I would avoid to add something dangerous on the package even if only admins or who could have the permissions would be able to use these... :roll:

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
Well... but is there any mode to change HTML permissions according to user's level? [so admins and mods could post with HTML tags meanwhile "normal" users couldn't use them].

Thanks in advance
see you later ;)

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
bartges90 wrote: [View Post]
Well... but is there any mode to change HTML permissions according to user's level? [so admins and mods could post with HTML tags meanwhile "normal" users couldn't use them].

Thanks in advance
see you later ;)

i made something on a bb2 that i use that with HTML GLOBAL DISABLE, enables only admins to post html. And if some user quotes the admin post, the html tags are stripped. After i finish some pending things i've get i'll play with it in icy

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
It is not so easy, for several reasons... there are many collateral things to consider... quoted posts, other users edited posts, iframed link may be attacked or changed, ecc...

I repeat once again... when you enable something like this on your site, then you are opening doors to hackers... any external content should be added everywhere, but not in posts... and don't use external sites iframe unless you can really trust external sites or are owned by yourselves.

I used to have IFRAME enabled on my old sites... but after having studied a little better some hacking techniques I've decided to remove anything related.

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
the best example it's that bb3 doesn't have html, right?

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
Zuker wrote: [View Post]
the best example it's that bb3 doesn't have html, right?

Right... :wink:

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
Zuker wrote: [View Post]
the best example it's that bb3 doesn't have html, right?

So... the bbcode isn't enough. It would need more tags, like table.

see you ;)

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
bartges90 wrote: [View Post]
Zuker wrote: [View Post]
the best example it's that bb3 doesn't have html, right?

So... the bbcode isn't enough. It would need more tags, like table.

see you ;)

You have CELL in Icy Phoenix, which is similar... but safer... :wink:

Check here:

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
I feel it, but it does not work to me, already it makes the changes and he is worse not even recognizes bbcode img, for my is imperative that the htm works in the forums because the users will be able to make tables with which to adorn its poems, could somebody knowledge say to me like obtaining it, all the options of corresponding htm reduce activated and places tags :cry:

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
Can you show us the site where it is not working and provide a test account please?

Are you sure to have completed correctly all files edit?

Subject: Re: DANGEROUS - How To Allow IFRAME And Full HTML Parsing
i have problem too with this, the code show correct when i preview, but when i postet it showin nothing, only a blank page ( i mean blank post) i tryien many times and same problem

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