If you want to creat a default group where users will be members automatically when registering
ACP ---> Groups ---> Manage Groups
Select USERS, click on "Look Up Group" and then flag "Add Users automaticly when they post" and set the minimum posts to "0".
You have to update the groups after having enabled this option, so flag also "Delete/Update old users"
ACP - Making Default User Group For Users
Tags And Keywords: acp, default group, user groups
Subject: Re: Making Default User Group For Users
I would like to create a "Users" group (also coloured like IP).
I created the group but don't know how to put all existing users into it. I tried this but it seems not to work :(
Edit: Solved checking the whole 3 options: Users automatic added when posting Add/Update new users Delete/Update old users
I created the group but don't know how to put all existing users into it. I tried this but it seems not to work :(
Edit: Solved checking the whole 3 options: Users automatic added when posting Add/Update new users Delete/Update old users
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