Spanish Translation For Icy Phoenix 2.0

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Subject: Spanish Translation For Icy Phoenix 2.0
I´ve finished spanish translation of IP 2.0 .

There will be still a few errors i have´nt found, but if you could post them here, i´ll fix them in the download

last update 10/11/2012

Last edited by spydie on Sat 10 Nov, 2012 13:56; edited 8 times in total
Description: latest review 10/11/2012 
Filesize: 317.33 KB
Downloaded: 475 Time(s)

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
Thanks spydie!

And MG (Luca), this is the new package or translator official for the Spanish Language (JANU this disappeared) :oops:

You can upload to GIT ?


Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
I can upload it to git if you wish :mricy:

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Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
Good job spydie! :drink_02:

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
I can upload it to git if you wish :mricy:

Yes please TheSteffen :D

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
Done: :mricy:

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Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
Done: :mricy:

Forked it.

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
I don't know Spanish, but I think the other admin on my forum does. I will install this and try it out!

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
@ Spydie - Please fix this:
ThE KuKa wrote: [View Post]
OPEN language/lang_spanish/lang_main.php file

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  1. 'LINK_REFERRERS' => 'Referidos HTTP', 

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  1. 'LINK_REFERERS' => 'Referidos HTTP', 

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
fixed and Download updated .

thanks TheKuka

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
Please, let me know when the translation is complete.

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
Gracias por el trabajo que os meteis. :mryellow:

Me he registrado para comunicaros un fallo en la traduccion.

En el archivo lang_extend_icy_phoenix.php, linea 498, donde pone 'PHP Cron Cumplea&ñtilde;os' habria que cambiarlo por 'PHP Cron Cumpleaños'

In english:

File "lang_extend_icy_phoenix.php", line 498

Change this

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'PHP Cron Cumplea&ñtilde;os'

By this

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'PHP Cron Cumpleaños'

Un saludo y gracias por todo. :D

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
It normaly should work fine... if you safe all files as UTF-8 without BOM

So you dont have to rewite all files.
Can you please test the Attachment
Description: lang_extend_icy_phoenix 
Filesize: 11.72 KB
Downloaded: 322 Time(s)

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Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
It normaly should work fine... if you safe all files as UTF-8 without BOM

So you dont have to rewite all files.
Can you please test the Attachment

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Not works because the "&ñtilde;" is not the standard, the better is "ñ".

I use Notepad++ as editor.

I only rewrite this file for this failure.


Cambiando de tema.

Ya se que este pack es una beta, por eso voy a comentar otro fallo.

En la configuracion del Ajax aparecen varias lineas vacias:


Estas lineas estan en el "lang_admin.php" (en el ingles pero no en el español) y van desde la linea 2066 hasta la 2077.

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'AJAX_CHAT_MSGS_REFRESH' => 'Refresh Time Interval',
'AJAX_CHAT_MSGS_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Please enter the time interval in seconds for the system to check for new chat messages. This value should not be below 2 seconds (it will be forced to 1 second if a lower value is set).',
'AJAX_CHAT_SESSION_REFRESH' => 'Session Length',
'AJAX_CHAT_SESSION_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Please enter the chat session duration. This value is used to check if users in chat left the conversation. This value should not be below 10 seconds (this value will be forced to be 5 seconds if a lower value is set).',
'AJAX_CHAT_LINK_TYPE' => 'Chat Window Format',
'AJAX_CHAT_LINK_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'Please specify if you want a simplified chat window or a window with full header and footer (simplified is cleaner and faster).',
'AJAX_CHAT_NOTIFICATION' => 'Private Chat Notification',
'AJAX_CHAT_NOTIFICATION_EXPLAIN' => 'If you enable this option, a notification will be sent to the user in case of Private Chat Request.',
'AJAX_CHAT_CHECK_ONLINE' => 'Private Chat Link Only For Online Users',
'AJAX_CHAT_CHECK_ONLINE_EXPLAIN' => 'If you enable this option, the Private Chat link will be displayed only for users already in chat, otherwise it will be displayed for all users online in the site.',

Subject: Re: IP 2.0 Beta Lang_spanish
ya se, y estoy trabajando en ello, los subire en cuando tenga linea de nuevo, ya que ahora mismo estoy por el smartphone.

i know, and i´m working on it. I´ll upload the reviewed files, when i get a new connection at home, because at the moment i´m working with my smartphone

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