Hi People,
If anyone is interested in translating this mod to their own language for me, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks for any help, and don't forget to add your Name and Links etc to the top. 8)
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* @package Icy Phoenix Modifications
* @File $Id: lang_extend_medal_mod.php
* @copyright (c) 2008 Y.C. LIN
* @email: ycl6@users.sourceforge.net
* @license: h**p://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-license.php GNU Public License
* @Extra credits for this file
* Modified for Icy Phoenix by Lopalong - 01-Jan-2009
if (!defined('IN_ICYPHOENIX'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
// START Medal MOD
// START Medal Admin
'Medals' => 'Medal Admin',
'Manage' => 'Management',
'Medal_Config' => 'Medal Configuration',
'Medal_Config_explain' => 'Customise the medal options.',
'Medal_setting' => 'Medal Settings for Viewtopic',
'Allow_medal' => 'Allow Medal Display',
'Medal_rand' => 'Allow Random Medal',
'Medal_rand_explain' => 'Display medals in random order.',
'Medal_display' => 'Medal Rows x Columns',
'Medal_display_explain' => 'E.g. 1 row and 1 column displays 1 medal, and 1 row, 2 columns displays 2 medals.',
'Medal_size' => 'Medal Height x Width (in pixels)',
'Medal_size_explain' => 'If left blank, medals will be displayed in their original size',
'Click_return_medalcfg' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Medal Configuration.',
'Medal_admin' => 'Medal Administration',
'Medal_admin_explain' => 'Delete, create or edit medals and moderators.',
'Updated_medal' => 'Medal updated successfully',
'Updated_medal_category' => 'Medal category updated successfully',
'Added_new_medal' => 'New medal created successfully',
'Added_new_category' => 'New medal category created successfully',
'Deleted_medal' => 'Medal deleted successfully',
'Deleted_medal_category' => 'Medal category deleted successfully',
'New_medal' => 'Create new medal',
'medal_name' => 'Medal Name',
'medal_description' => 'Description',
'medal_image' => 'Image',
'medal_image_explain' => 'Define an image associated with the medal<br />(Relative to Icy Phoenix root path)',
'No_medal_name' => 'You must specify a name for this medal',
'No_medal_description' => 'You must add a description for this medal',
'No_medal_image' => 'You must add an image for this medal',
'Must_select_medal' => 'You must specify a medal',
'Click_return_medaladmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Medal Administration.',
'Medal_mod' => 'Moderator',
'Medal_mod_admin' => 'Medal Moderator Administration',
'Medal_mod_admin_explain' => 'Appoint or remove medal moderators.',
'Medal_mod_username' => 'Appoint Moderator',
'Medal_unmod_username' => 'Remove Moderator',
'Medal_unmod_username_explain' => 'You can highlight multiple users with your mouse and keyboard functions.',
'No_medal_mod' => 'No Medal Moderator',
'No_medal_in_cat' => 'No medal in this category',
'Must_delete_medal' => 'You must delete all medals before you can delete this category',
'Category_deletion' => 'Delete Medal Category',
'Category_deletion_explain' => 'Delete a category and decide where you want to put all the medals it contained.',
'Move_medals' => 'Move medals to',
'Category_name' => 'Category Name',
'Medal_mod_update_sucessful' => 'Medal Moderator has been updated successfully',
'Click_return_medal_mod_admin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Medal Moderator Administration.',
// END Medal Admin
// START Medal Front End
'Medal_Control_Panel' => 'Medal Control Panel',
'Medals' => 'Medals',
'View_More' => 'View more...',
'Medal_amount' => 'Amount: ',
'Medal_Information' => 'Medal Information',
'Medal_name' => 'Medal Name',
'Medal_description' => 'Description',
'Medal_image' => 'Image',
'Medal_details' => 'Award Details',
'Medal_reason' => 'Reason',
'Medal_reason_explain' => 'Though not required, you can enter the reason for this award.',
'Medal_no_reason' => '<em>No Reason was given</em>',
'Medal_time' => 'Awarded On',
'Medal_moderator' => 'Moderator',
'No_medal_mod' => 'No Moderator',
'Medal_userlist' => 'User Lists',
'Medal_Members' => 'Awarded To',
'Medal_Members_explain' => 'Click on a username to edit award reason(s)',
'No_medal_members' => 'No member has this medal',
'No_medals_exist' => 'No Medals Exist',
'Medal_not_exist' => 'That medal does not exist',
'No_username_specified' => 'No username specified',
'No_medal_id_specified' => 'No Medals specified',
'Medal_user_username' => 'Award Medal',
'Medal_unmedal_username' => 'Remove Medal',
'Medal_unmedal_username_explain' => 'You can highlight multiple users with your mouse and keyboard functions.',
'Medal_added' => 'You have been awarded this medal.',
'Medal_update_sucessful' => 'User and Medal information has been updated',
'Could_not_anonymous_user' => 'You cannot give Anonymous a medal.',
'Not_medal_moderator' => 'You are not a moderator of this medal',
'Link_to_cp' => 'Medal CP',
'Click_return_medal' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to medal information',
'No_medal' => 'No Medal Available',
// END Medal Front End
// END Medal Mod