Translators Required - Medal Mod

Inactive User
Subject: Translators Required - Medal Mod

Hi People,

If anyone is interested in translating this mod to their own language for me, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks for any help, and don't forget to add your Name and Links etc to the top. 8)

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Subject: Re: Translators Required
Lopalong wrote: [View Post]

Hi People,

If anyone is interested in translating this mod to their own language for me, it would be much appreciated.

I've tried to make it as simple as possible by duplicating the variables on every second line with an empty string.

All you need to do is fill in the empty strings and I will do the rest, as it would take me 10 seconds to remove the "English" variables and

strings and re-format the layout. :wink:

Thanks for any help, and don't forget to add your Name and Links etc to the top. 8)

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Inactive User
Subject: Re: Translators Required
Thank you Limun for the Croatian Translation. 8)

The "Finished" product that I added your profle to, as the website is empty. ;)

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Subject: Re: Translators Required
Lopalong wrote: [View Post]
Thank you Limun for the Croatian Translation. 8)

The "Finished" product that I added your profle to, as the website is empty. ;)

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žćčšđ its not showing in your spoiler..but i know the reason ...i will update it soon :wink:


i cant post it because when i submit , for example š is become š and it have to be & # 3 5 3 ; :(

so please use attachment

Filename: cro_translation.rar
Filesize: 2.18 KB
Downloaded: 292 Time(s)

Inactive User
Subject: Re: Translators Required
Thank you Limun, and I thought that may have been the problem. ;)

Anyway, maybe this request was a bit premature for a mod that is for the "Next Release" of IP, when there are still so many changes being made to the core files.

The lang translation you did will be fine, and thanks for that - But meantime I think I'll lock this topic until after the next "Public Release" of IP.


Subject: Re: Translators Required

Spanish translation Lopalong :wink:

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Edit: Topic locked!!! :mrgreen: :oops:

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
Unlocked (as asked here) and edited.
Thanks Lopalong! :mrblue:

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod

Filename: Arabic_translation.rar
Filesize: 2.14 KB
Downloaded: 271 Time(s)

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
The translated german one :mricy:

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Filesize: 1.93 KB
Downloaded: 280 Time(s)

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
I translated the file to romanian.

Filename: Romanian.rar
Filesize: 1.87 KB
Downloaded: 252 Time(s)

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
Dutch Translation

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Description: lang_extend_medals_mod.php 
Filename: lang_extend_medals_mod.rar
Filesize: 1.94 KB
Downloaded: 244 Time(s)

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Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
Here is the french translation.

Voici la traduction française.

This is my first translation so please let me know if I missed anything.

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Filename: Français_Medal_Mod.rar
Filesize: 1.97 KB
Downloaded: 237 Time(s)

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
Here is my spanish translation for the latest version of Medal Mod
Filesize: 2.81 KB
Downloaded: 240 Time(s)

Subject: Re: Translators Required - Medal Mod
This conversation had escaped me and I had never read

I attach the Italian Language

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