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Mighty Gorgon 
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location:  Borgo San Michele
 [MOD] - OTF Gallery
MOD Title: OTF Gallery
MOD Description: OTF Gallery is a really simple gallery system which allows admins to quickly upload and create Gallery Pages without using the DB for storing informations. Thumbnails are automatically generated.
MOD Version: 0.5.1
MOD Download: http://www.icyphoenix.com/dload.php...id=1&file_id=51
Last Stable version: 0.5.1
Demo Board: http://www.icyphoenix.com/_bb3/otf_gallery.php
Demo Username: demo
Demo Password: demopwd
PHP Author: Mighty Gorgon
Flash Author: FlepStudio
Hi All.
Here you will find OTF Gallery for phpBB 3 RC7.
It is the first time I try to integrate Flash into phpBB, and I'm not pretty sure if this will be accepted by mods guidelines... Anyway this beta version has some new features, feel free to test it and report bugs and comments.
Here some details.
OTF Gallery is a really simple gallery system which allows admins to quickly upload and create Gallery Pages without using the DB for storing informations. It has been designed to create and show thumbnails of images in one folder and provide a nice flash slideshow (coded by FlepStudio). All you have to do is uploading images into a folder and OTF Gallery will do the rest.
- phpBB 3
- FTP access to the server
- CHMOD 777 to cache folders for storing thumbnails
- GD Libraries 2.x.x or above (it may works even with GD1 but it is not fully tested)
- Check the requirements... if you fit in it, then download the package
- Check the requirements... if you fit in it, then download the package
- Unzip the package and upload all files contained in the root folder to your phpBB 3 root folder
- CHMOD 0777 album/cache/
- CHMOD 0777 album/cache/s/
- CHMOD 0777 album/cache/m/
- CHMOD 0777 album/cache/l/
- CHMOD 0777 album/cache/w/
- CHMOD 0777 album/otf/
- CHMOD 0777 album/otf/users_pics/
- CHMOD 0777 album/xml/
- Upload one or more folders with images into album/otf/ folder
- Load otf_gallery.php into your browser
- Choose your gallery from the dropdown and click on GO
- Some hosting doesn't allow to use many CPU charge on GD functions, so if you are having problems with this script, tro to use it on smaller images.
- If you see only the link of images and not the thumbnails, you may not have the correct permissions set on your folders. Make sure that the folders where thumbnails are going to be stored are writable (CHMOD 777 on some servers).
- If slideshow images stretches it is likely to be related to thumbnails settings on your otf_config.php. Try to review your configuration.
- This gallery has been optimized for JPG and PNG. GIF images will be shown as well, but in thumbs and slideshows they will lose the animation due to GD2 and FLASH compatibility.
- Slideshow works best with no more of 450px height large thumbs (used for images in slideshow), and no more of 30 pictures, otherwise pages may stretches and/or pictures won't fit.
- Small thumbnails for slideshow needs to be forced to the size they are or they won't fit the small frame in the slideshow.
- What is this mod for?
This mod is a quick gallery system to be feeded by admins. It has been created to show images thumbnail in a gallery style by simply uploading folders with images. Since this system doesn't rely on DB, then no special features are available such as rating, commenting, and anything else which should be DB related. It is just an easy way to show images in an automated way. No need to create extra HTML pages with your images. Those who don't have FTP access may upload pictures using otf_upload.php, but pictures will be stored in a standard folder for all users (users_pics).
- Is this a full gallery system?
No it isn't, and no extra special features will be added. It is meant just to give quick gallery pages. If you are looking for a full gallery system this MOD is not for you.
- Does this system use DB to store information in?
No OTF Gallery relies only on physical files, so gallery are created when uploading folders via FTP and are deleted when folders are delted.
- Does this gallery have a thumbnails system?
Yes, this gallery has a thumbnails system based on GD Libraries, so you will need GD to be able to use this feature. Thumbnails are stored in cache folders so to be quickly accessible.
- Is this tool configurable?
Only few options are available and must be directly edited into includes/FAP/otf_config.php.
- Can users upload pictures into OTF Gallery?
Users with no FTP access may upload pictures only in one predetermined folder called users_pics by using otf_upload.php. This feature lets user upload their pictures and have a thumbnail for it so they can use it in their posts. As already said, this is only a quick gallery system... to have a full gallery system with upload to category and other features you should use another system.
- Is it difficult to be installed?
Only few phpBB 3 files editing are required (no cores editing and you may even omit them). If your server support and run GD Libraries properly, you will need just to upload all the files in the package, apply a couple of small modifications to phpBB 3 files and use OTF Gallery.
- What can I customize?
Some settings are customizable by editing the first otf_config.php (you can change for example some thumbnails size or the path where thumbnails are stored... and more!). ACP form will be provided after phpBB 3 official release.
- Can I have Flash file source?
For any help reagarding FLASH customization please visit: http://www.flepstudio.org
Since I would like this mod to remain a simple one, I won't add many features into it. I'm in the process of coding a more complex gallery system with extra features, but it is another mod and it is still in the coding phase.
I'll repeat again:
If you are looking for a full gallery system this MOD is not for you.
Feedbacks and comments are really welcome. Please use this topic for bugs reporting as well.
• 2007/11/29 Version raised to 0.5.1
• 2007/11/28 Version raised to 0.5.0
Here are few suggestions from another user:
Really nice mod icy, thanks
I have just change some smalls modifications
Open styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html
Find :
<a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a>
Before add :
<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><a href="{U_OTF_GALLERY}">{L_OTF_GALLERY}</a> • <!-- ENDIF -->
Open otf_gallery.php
Find :
After add :
if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
login_box('', $user->lang['LOGIN']);
Open language/en/common.php
Find :
After add :
'OTF_GALLERY' => 'OTF Gallery',
Open includes/functions.php
Find :
'U_FAQ' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}faq.$phpEx"),
After add :
'U_OTF_GALLERY' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}otf_gallery.$phpEx"),
____________ Luca
SEARCH is the quickest way to get support.
Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
Edited by Mighty Gorgon, Wed 28 Nov, 2007 16:06: Version updated |
#1 Sun 12 Aug, 2007 15:58 |

Icy Phoenix is an open source project, you can show your appreciation and support future development by donating to the project.
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 230
Location:  Dresden
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
All images return an internal server error...
____________ No support via PM or E-Mail!
FAP 3, yeah baby, yeah!
#3 Sun 12 Aug, 2007 20:15 |
Joined: September 2006
Posts: 245
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
great work Luca thanks
All images return an internal server error... 
del or rename .htaccess in root/files/
#4 Sun 12 Aug, 2007 21:19 |
Joined: February 2007
Posts: 31
Location:  Michigan
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
great work Luca thanks
All images return an internal server error... 
del or rename .htaccess in root/files/
There should be an alternative to removing the htaccess protection on your file folder.
#5 Wed 15 Aug, 2007 17:42 |
Joined: September 2006
Posts: 245
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
great work Luca thanks
All images return an internal server error... 
del or rename .htaccess in root/files/
There should be an alternative to removing the htaccess protection on your file folder.
Yes and why not ???
but in IE wow looks fine
#6 Thu 16 Aug, 2007 01:23 |
Joined: February 2007
Posts: 31
Location:  Michigan
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
I'm not sure what you are trying to say Pepi, but that .htaccess file in root/files/ is there to stop people from accessing the file attachments. Not everyone wants to remove it.
#7 Thu 16 Aug, 2007 16:53 |
Joined: January 2007
Posts: 137
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
if the htaccess files dont work, why not just put an index.html file in the folder and redirect to e.g. the home page?
BTW, looks great mighty
#8 Fri 17 Aug, 2007 18:19 |
Mighty Gorgon 
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location:  Borgo San Michele
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
There should be an alternative to removing the htaccess protection on your file folder.
.htaccess file in root/files/ is there to stop people from accessing the file attachments. Not everyone wants to remove it.
Will is right... htaccess shouldn't be removed to protect attachments (even if attachments names are encrypted...)... I usually remove htaccess because I don't care of that kind of protection (there is a really small probability that someone will be able to retrieve attachments!), but the correct way should be another one.
I have just coded OTF in a different way for the next version, but I still have to test it properly.
Another way would be to move the album/otf folder out of the files folder, where you don't have any problem related to htaccess... if you want to do that, just move the folder and change the setup in otf_config.php.
I'm currently testing version 0.3.0 which has upload feature.
____________ Luca
SEARCH is the quickest way to get support.
Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
#9 Tue 21 Aug, 2007 15:02 |
Joined: November 2007
Posts: 1
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
I had a question about this. From what I understand, the only people allowed to upload into the folder that the OTF Gallery are people that have access to the FTP, correct?
Would there be any "issues" if someone (me) created an image uploader that when a user uploaded images via this uploader that the files would go into the specific folder that the OTF Gallery would read? Meaning, if I made an image uploader that uploaded into the folder that OTF reads, would there be any internal problems that would force inoperability with the Mod? Like, would the OTF not read the folder if something else was using it (uploader)?
I confuse myself more than I don't
#10 Sat 10 Nov, 2007 15:12 |
Mighty Gorgon 
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location:  Borgo San Michele
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
I had a question about this. From what I understand, the only people allowed to upload into the folder that the OTF Gallery are people that have access to the FTP, correct?
Would there be any "issues" if someone (me) created an image uploader that when a user uploaded images via this uploader that the files would go into the specific folder that the OTF Gallery would read? Meaning, if I made an image uploader that uploaded into the folder that OTF reads, would there be any internal problems that would force inoperability with the Mod? Like, would the OTF not read the folder if something else was using it (uploader)?
I confuse myself more than I don't
Yes it would do the trick.
Anyway I have already coded an upload feature, you will have it in next version... when I'll find the time to pack it and create installation instructions... would you help me in doing this?
____________ Luca
SEARCH is the quickest way to get support.
Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
#11 Sat 10 Nov, 2007 20:20 |
Joined: November 2007
Posts: 8
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
This is just what i needed thanks
#12 Fri 23 Nov, 2007 23:56 |
Mighty Gorgon 
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location:  Borgo San Michele
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
You are welcome... I need to find the time to release an updated version... but no luck yet.
____________ Luca
SEARCH is the quickest way to get support.
Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
#13 Sat 24 Nov, 2007 13:48 |
Mighty Gorgon 
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location:  Borgo San Michele
 Re: [MOD] - OTF Gallery
Version updated with a slideshow and some extra features... needs some beta testing now!
____________ Luca
SEARCH is the quickest way to get support.
Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
#14 Wed 28 Nov, 2007 16:06 |
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