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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Black Page. (Trojan ?)
Another thing, I have seen on the principal page of ACP that I have all messages and all the topics !!! The numbers are correct, so it mean that I still to have all the data about the forums in DB !!! but why I have another view on the forums ? In ACP it says that I have all messages but in the portal/forum I see only the principal forums but not a lot of subforums.
#16 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 15:58 |

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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
Thanks to Italian Support on phpbbplus.it I have discovered that I have not lost subforums and messages. I have created a trial forum and after this I have seen all subforums and subsubforums (not in order) inside a principal forum area created by the system with the name "forums restored". Now I need only to have a lot of patient to change the position.
#17 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 20:06 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
A trojan? No, sure. Is a server or a code problem.
This looks very much like a server problem. Are the permissions correct on the files?
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#18 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 20:23 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
A trojan? No, sure. Is a server or a code problem.
This looks very much like a server problem. Are the permissions correct on the files?
Yes the permissions are OK.
____________ www.todoPVR.com IP DVB-T PVR's
#19 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 20:33 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
A trojan? No, sure. Is a server or a code problem.
This looks very much like a server problem. Are the permissions correct on the files?
I don't know. I know only these things :
1) The forum is online for 5 months without this kind of problem.
2) The Hosting Company has sent a reply where it explains that it's not a server problem, the server and the node seems to work correctly.
3) Seems that the problem appeared after I have changed the Forums permissions. The only strange changing that I have done was the permission to some forums, that had subforums with messages, changed in "nothing" to all sets except "view" and "read" sets.
4) Antonio in Italian Support have suggest to me to make chmod 666 to def_tree.php, def_words.php and def_themes.php. But I don't know the way.
Sorry if I repeat the same thing, but it's strange that in the same time one of our user has sent an email where he asks helps about a Trojan worning message that has appeared on the screen when he has entered into my website internal pages.
#20 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 20:39 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
I seem to get blank pages some times and on other sites using php portals. I believe mine might be due to a DNS problem ether with Zone alarm security or my ISP. However thank you for that question, I was wondering about that area my self.
#21 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 20:54 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
you have backups and can do some tests with permissions
Quote: Sorry if I repeat the same thing, but it's strange that in the same time one of our user has sent an email where he asks helps about a Trojan worning message that has appeared on the screen when he has entered into my website internal pages.
I have had like this . forum was phpbb
It was user's problem
ask for other users
#22 Thu 24 Aug, 2006 22:44 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
This looks very much like a server problem. Are the permissions correct on the files?
4) Antonio in Italian Support have suggest to me to make chmod 666 to def_tree.php, def_words.php and def_themes.php. But I don't know the way.
There we go. You can set these permissions with your FTP programm.
However, you must have changed permissions before, otherwise the board would throw alot of error messages. The following permissions need to be set on the file system:
Set the permissions to CHMOD 777 to the following folders:
Set the permission to CHMOD 666 to the following files:
Look for "PERMISSIONS" or something similar in your FTP programm and then you should be able to set those permissions.
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#23 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:35 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
If you want to know more about CHMOD, what it is and how it works, take a look at this site:
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#24 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:41 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
Thank you Tom for your information.
I have seen that all my permissions of those directories and files are wrong !! Very Strange ! In fact the website has run well for three or four months ! without any kind of critical problems, I remember to have made chmod during the first installation as instruction suggests. Why now I have all permissions wrong ?
PS: I have not found error directory, I have build 049 installed, may be your list if for build 058 ?
#25 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 13:45 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
Yes, error directory is in 058 only.
#26 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 13:52 |
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 106
 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
And about includes/functions_categories_hierarchy.PHP
I must came back with this codes
- define('CACHE_TREE', true);
- //define('CACHE_WORDS', true);
- define('CACHE_THEMES', true);
... or I must still to use this codes modified as suggested ?
- //define('CACHE_TREE', true);
- //define('CACHE_WORDS', true);
- //define('CACHE_THEMES', true);
#27 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 14:07 |
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Location:  Dresden
 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
I have seen that all my permissions of those directories and files are wrong !! Very Strange ! In fact the website has run well for three or four months ! without any kind of critical problems, I remember to have made chmod during the first installation as instruction suggests. Why now I have all permissions wrong ?
Sometimes if files are replaced, permissions are reset to default. That could be the reason, why the permissions where wrong.
And about includes/functions_categories_hierarchy.PHP
If the permissions are correct you should use the regular code:
- define('CACHE_TREE', true);
- //define('CACHE_WORDS', true);
- define('CACHE_THEMES', true);
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#28 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 15:13 |
Joined: August 2006
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Location:  Mollet del Valles, Catalonia, Spain
 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
I have seen that all my permissions of those directories and files are wrong !! Very Strange ! In fact the website has run well for three or four months ! without any kind of critical problems, I remember to have made chmod during the first installation as instruction suggests. Why now I have all permissions wrong ?
Sometimes if files are replaced, permissions are reset to default. That could be the reason, why the permissions where wrong.
And about includes/functions_categories_hierarchy.PHP
If the permissions are correct you should use the regular code:
- define('CACHE_TREE', true);
- //define('CACHE_WORDS', true);
- define('CACHE_THEMES', true);
the permissions in my Web are correct, but under it works it with this code:
//define('CACHE_TREE', true);
//define('CACHE_WORDS', true);
//define('CACHE_THEMES', true);
____________ www.todoPVR.com IP DVB-T PVR's
#29 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 15:20 |
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 Re: Help ! WebSite Doesn't Appear, Blank Page. (Trojan ?)
What errors do you get with the regular code?
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#30 Fri 25 Aug, 2006 15:24 |
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