Since I had this kind of stuff, I asked for help in the Italian forum, and after finding a small guide explaining how to put it into a topic, I have changed, for the knowledge base articles.
Edit the file "kb_article_body.tpl" located in the folder "templates / default /"
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<tr><td class="cat" valign="middle" align="center"><span class="post-buttons"> {EDIT_IMG}</span> </td></tr>
and replace with:
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<tr><td class="cat" valign="middle" align="center"><span class="post-buttons"> {EDIT_IMG}</span> <a name="fb_share" type="button_count" href="h**p://***">Share</a><script src="h**p://" type="text/javascript"></script> </td></tr>
Save the file.
Then you have something like:
The text "Condividi", I changed to "Share" in this how to.
you see the edit button, because I was logged in, and I am admin...
I apologize for my imperfect English, I am italian...
edit: This is the link of the Italian h**p://***