Forum Integrated News Delivery

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Subject: Forum Integrated News Delivery
MOD Title: FIND - Forum Integrated News Delivery - Input
MOD Author: Hacksaw <> (John MacAuley)
MOD Description: Delivers rss, atom, and xml newsfeeds direct to your forums.
MOD Version: 1.2.0

Instruccions for Install:

  • Run this SQL Querry

    Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    CREATE TABLE phpbb_newsfeeds (
    feed_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    forum_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
    news_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    news_name varchar(60) default NULL,
    news_limit smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    news_active tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    news_encoding varchar(16) binary NOT NULL default 'Detect',
    include_channel tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    include_image tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    topic_prefix varchar(60) default NULL,
    strip_topic tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    single_post tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    use_html tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    include_icon tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    include_title tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    include_description tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    include_details tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    include_content tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    include_readmore tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    is_podcast tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    strip_images tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (feed_id),
    KEY forum_id (forum_id)

  • Edit files




    Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    // Do not insert anything but tables below!


    Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    // FIND - newsfeeds
    define('NEWSFEEDS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'newsfeeds');
    define('POST_NEWSFEED_URL', 'n');
    // end FIND - newsfeeds




    Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    // That's all, Folks!


    Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    // FIND - newsfeeds MOD
    $lang['Check_All'] = 'Check All';
    $lang['UnCheck_All'] = 'UnCheck All';
    $lang['News_Read_More'] = 'Read more...';
    $lang['News_Read_Comments'] = 'Read comments...';
    $lang['News_Category'] = 'Category: ';
    $lang['News_Publish_Date'] = 'Publish Date: ';
    $lang['News_Source'] = 'Source: ';
    $lang['News_Description'] = 'Description: ';
    $lang['News_Summary'] = 'Summary:';
    $lang['News_Author'] = 'Author:';
    $lang['News_Direct_Download'] = 'Direct Download:';
    $lang['News_Duration'] = 'Duration:';
    $lang['News_Bytes'] = 'bytes';

    // Path to RSS icon image displayed in post. Leave empty if icon not needed.
    $lang['News_RSS_Icon'] = '';

    // Path to Podcast icon image displayed in post. Leave empty if icon not needed.
    $lang['News_Podcast_Icon'] = '';

    // end FIND - newsfeeds MOD

  • Upload the package

Last edited by Zuker on Thu 06 Mar, 2008 18:13; edited 3 times in total

Description: Forum Integrated News Delivery 
Filename: find_input.rar
Filesize: 67.45 KB
Downloaded: 655 Time(s)

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
great work zuker... i test these later


Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
He's fast isn't he :mrorange:

nice work zuker

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
which problems I will have with future update o man forum?

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
xela wrote: [View Post]
which problems I will have with future update o man forum?

Anyone :mricy:
There are 2 easy files to edit and the rest of files are already edited to be compatible with icy 8)

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Zuker is like the winner of a important race, with MG as the team leader; owner!

I am going to do the mod!

Thanks, Zuker and staff. :mrgreen:

Subject: new version find
there is a new version to the mod
FIND - Forum Integrated News Delivery - Inpu
## MOD Name: FIND - Forum Integrated News Delivery - Input
## Author: Hacksaw - The Comic Haven
## MOD Description: Delivers rss / xml newsfeeds direct to your forums.
## MOD Version: 1.2.0 beta
## Installation Level: Intermediate
## Installation Time: ~ 15 Minutes

FIND v1.2.0
Saturday, March 24, 2007

What is new in FIND v1.2.0?

1. Restructured file layout to remove /mod directory and fix compatibility issues
with some mods that assume relative file location from root directory.

2. Fixed multiple post issue caused by html entity conversion in the MySQL

3. Fixed a Windows-1252 character set parsing issue as this encoding is not
handeled bu the PHP XML parser.

4. Added forced character set decoding option for incoming RSS feeds when the
encoding in the XML header does not match the contents of the file.

5. Added additional URL parsing to remove base URL from complex URL used on
Google and Yahoo. This should fix some additional, but not all URL display

6. Added additional formatting options to allow for more optional data fields to
be include/excluded.

7. Added the ability to strip all content images from a post.

8. Added ability to strip brackets and containing content from the topic line
of a post.

9. Added ability to add a prefix to the topic of a post.

10. Added expandable "bird beaks" to table entries in the admin page to reduce
the number of columns visible in the table. Details can now be viewed by
expanding the individual line items.

What is new in FIND v1.1?

1. CURL support for downloading RSS feeds.

2. Stripping of HTML and bbcode from the topic line to stop formatting errors
later in the page.

3. Conversion of UTF-8 characters in RSS feed content to ISO-8859-1 which is
the phpBB2 default character encoding. This will fix issue with garbled
characters in RSS output (see
for more information).

4. Replacing HTML with equivalent bbcode in the body of the post and parsing of
google/yahoo specific URL encodings. This is basic parsing support, but hooks
are in place to provide more advanced features as I have time. Please send me
the source files of rss feeds that break this feature.

5. New HTML formatting option for message output (I like using tables inside
the post for additional formatting). No bbcode is used when using this

6. Expanded XML tag support for RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. Added more fields (pubDate,
creator/author, content) and iTunes podcast support. I still need to add atom

7. Remote invoke of news_insert.php using an authorization key. This permits
a cron job on a remote server to invoke the insert operation (my hosting
service does not give me access to cron).

8. Cleaned up the administration screens, including adding configuration
options for new features. Added retrieval of status information from to notify of new versions and bug fixes.

There are a few more changes, but that covers the big ones.

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Yes i knoe

But it's a beta, when the mod-db of phpbb comes back and aproves it, i'll test it.
The versio i use here it's a the latest version on the mod-db

Subject: find
yes but your version is too old (2003)
and have a lot of bugs, or problems with special characters and pages and rss not utf 8
letters like ñ, accents etc.... are lost
and in spanish or other non english pages this is a big problem...

but it is only an idea
thanks for your great work

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Yes i know that
Anyway, it's still a beta ;)

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
I am running FIND version 1.2.0 o my phpbbfm site and it is working great!

Could you update the mod to work with IP?

Many Thanks :)

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
i'll play with it since mod-db pg phpbb2 it's in the past

give me the link please

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Zuker.. Here is the link to version 1.2.0

The support forum is at

Thank you for all your hard work!

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Version Upgraded ;)

Subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
testing nad upgrading


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