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Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
MWE, I'm happy to report it works locally! I'm not exactly sure what happens, but it might be you didn't set subforums as normal forum before the conversion. So what happened was that the forum id=13 got a wrong parent. I updated manually (in the DB) its parent to 84 (which is the ID of your first category in my db) and it works now.
Well to be honest, I only ever got to the point of having a working cms one time before all the pages turned white one me after I cleared the CMS cache. After that no matter what I tried, I could not get anything to work no matter what route I took. I am willing to say i had bad cookie settings and site path and all that.
The guy who owns the site is traveling for work right now so I still have a little time to mess with it. This favor is one that finally turned out to stump me. LOL None of his website needs have ever stumped me ever before.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#46 Fri 26 Aug, 2016 04:50 |
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Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
Have you tried with the fix I provided? (manually opening phpmyadmin and fixing up the forum's parent)?
#47 Fri 26 Aug, 2016 10:24 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
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Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
I'm going to try it today. Not quite sure I know how but I'll take a look at it. SQL is not my thing. I think I got real lucky scrubbing the database even without farking it up.
On a side note, I was able to get the site upgraded to phpBB3 with Kiss Portal. It is real nice and easy to upgrade, but not quite sure it is what we want for his site. I will still keep trying here with icy. I enjoy using it much better than I do the other combo.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#48 Fri 26 Aug, 2016 18:44 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
Yeah I'm going to have to say uncle (means I Give in the states). I am HORRIBLE with Sql work. I was doing this for him for free as a favor to help him out beings how he is a good friend of mine. Not sure I can tie any more time up in it. I just can't figure it out. I am not sure what or how to make subforums regular forums and all that. I keep farking the database up.
Glad to hear it worked on your end. No white pages no nothing?
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#49 Fri 02 Sep, 2016 20:37 |
Joined: October 2008
Posts: 1110
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
I've been really busy this week, finishing up a 3-months project for friday (yesterday).
I'll try to craft a SQL query you'll be able to run. Would that be okay?
#50 Sat 03 Sep, 2016 19:33 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
Oh yeah man it's all good. Major projects come first. This is just a hobby here.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#51 Sat 03 Sep, 2016 20:50 |
Joined: October 2008
Posts: 1110
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
- UPDATE phpbb_forums SET parent_id = 84 WHERE id = 13;
Please try this SQL query after the conversion, just before clearing cache.
#52 Mon 05 Sep, 2016 23:45 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
I'll give her a go bud and see what happens. I have tried several other times since then and I cant even get back to the point of having a basci CMS anymore. Not sure what is wrong.
I'll take another shot at it tonight. I really appreciate the help.
Ok guys, here goes.
So apparently after ALL these years of building websites and uploading them to servers and getting them working, I suddenly do NOT know how to set a path properly.
The site I am attempting to upgrade resides at http://lixxxxxxlmforums.com/icy
I go to load the site by visiting http://lixxxxxxxforums.com/icy/install/database_upgrade.php (added x's for security) and it loads the original site located at http://lixxxxxxxmforums.com with no style at all. page is wacked.
So now I go to http://litxxxxmforums.com/icy/adm/erc.php and click reset path. here is what it suggests.
No http
Domain: litxxxxxforums.com (once again x's for obvious reasons)
Port : 80
Path: /icy/adm
This does not work. it goes back to the original old site. I would have to guess it is from the domain being wrong. I have reset it every which way but loose and It resorts back to the old site minus the style every single time.
I thought I knew what I was doing. This simple upgrade has made me feel like a moron. Literally.
Ok Progress. I got to the icy phoenix update script page instead of the old website loading. Had to have been a cookie issue. I am now making double sure all files are chmod properly. (please pardon me keeping notes, I just want to be sure I document everything I have done).
Ok all files are CHMOD properly.
Here is a list and I will check each one off
Quote: So, we need to fix this. If you REALLY want to do it yourself in the meantime, do this:
Open your board locally (with everything backed up, yada yada yada) DONE
Save config.php somewhere (I named mine __config.php) DONE
Delete everything but that file (keep images/ and uploads/ I guess. At least you have them in your backup. The exact list of files is listed in the file you linked). DONE
Upload IP files in the same directory DONE
Delete IP's config.php DONE
Put back your config.php (rename __config.php to config.php) DONE
Visit install/database_upgrade.php DONE
"Please click Here to update!" DONE
Open config.php, replace "PHPBB_" with "IP_" manually. install/install.php has an action that does it, but... To open install/install.php, you need that done. Sorry DONE
This is where things go wrong. Install.php will not open unless I un-comment the bypass session. Went in there and no option to install or anything. Just a bunch of upgrade stuff and fix this and thats. Nothing to fix yet I am guessing?
Go to login_ip.php, and login with your administrator. DONE WITH ERRORS
Critical Error
Could not open ./templates/subSilver/subSilver.cfg
Line : 2626
File : functions.php
And this is where I get stuck fellas. I cn not go any further. As the details below say to preserve sid, well I never even get to that point. Only the error above with no sid. I never get to login.
You'll be redirected to a blank page, or see "Template->loadfile(): File ./templates/default/layout/ for handle body is empty."
In your URL, replace "index.php" with "cms.php" (it's important that you keep your SID)
Login again (needed to administrate the website)
Go to "CMS pages"
Click "Add new page"
Select whichever one you like (3 columns, 2 columns). Give it a name (like "index").
Ok Boys and Ghouls, it has been a LONG day. After much cursing, many pots of coffee, and many fists hitting the desk in rage, I got a website running. Here are a few shots.
Here is my ACP, notice I now have forums YAY!
Here is the forum in action on the index YAY! Notice I got posts?
Uh oh! No Threads!
All posts and data is populated in the database, checked and rechecked and even ran utilities in the install/install.php to fix posts and sigs and all. No matter what I try, this is where I am stuck, BUT..... Yeah there is a but, I am SO happy to be at this point! I am far ahead of where I was this morning.
I had to populate my ranks by manual process as well and my groups are in the database and group descriptions, but no members of the groups were added. I have tried several times to get groups updated and no such luck.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix these few items? So far I have not found any other issues as I have been working on only these three issues and fixed one of the 3.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#53 Mon 05 Sep, 2016 23:55 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
So I got digging in the database today and I found ip_topics. I am curious if this is where my problem is for the forums not showing any text as this table is completely empty. If so, What do I need to do to insert the data I need?
In the mean time, I will keep digging and try to get it to work.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#54 Fri 09 Sep, 2016 19:22 |
Joined: October 2008
Posts: 1110
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
Whoops. Sounds like there were some issues indeed. Did you run the topics conversion? Also, why ip_topics? Wasn't your table named phpbb_topics? I can confirm my local working copy has the topics, so I know it's very fixable at least.
#55 Sat 10 Sep, 2016 13:52 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
Well kinds funny story here actually.
I went on a cussing rant a couple days ago and my wife said Ray, you have been trying for over a month now and apparently you are going to have to figure this out on your own so just shut up and do it.
So I installed a fresh IP install and started converting the database table by table manually. It's the only thing I can do. I had to try something.
I know you have a major project going on, mort is out of the game now days and Luca is very busy. So when a guy has to help him self, he has to do what he can do. and I am to the point of where I can get, once again, without help.
As far as converting goes, not gonna happen for me. I can not get a working CMS again. I have tried and tried. All I get is pure white pages. Now, when I get lucky enough on that rare instance where the update script will run for me, it says within one second that it is complete to click here and all the stats say it is up to date. When I look at the database, nothing has been done.
So in either situation, really, I loose. It's pretty much game over. All I can do is what I can do. If it's not gonna work for me, then it's not gonna work. And trust me when I say I have followed every step to a T. My wife has even sat down and tried it MULTIPLE times. She has been with me since phpBB 1.x days She knows her way around a forum / cms really well. She couldn't even get it to work. Server settings maybe?
I'm at a loss man. I just don't know what to do. A month is way to long to try to get something to work, but unlike the average user, I have been willing to put in the work. Most users are just lazy and expect you to do it for them the minute they try and fail. One should never be willing to help anyone who is not willing to help them selves. I would pay someone but I just can't. For one, I'm broke as hell and for 2, .... nah we'll leave # 2 alone for now. I can easily say I have installed over 400-500 working copies of Integra for folks and never charged a once. LOL I got donated a couple times but never charged. what really is a 15 minute job worth? A beer? A sandwich? Surely not 40 or like some guys like to charge.
Take care man and have a great day. If I figure anything else out, I'll report back but for now, it's not looking to good........ once again.
P.S. on a side note, I have built my self a network of 2 sites using Icy and I have to say they are pretty bad @ss. I love the system. So far so good. I just wish we could bring more people back in to get some community going again.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#56 Sat 10 Sep, 2016 20:25 |
Joined: October 2008
Posts: 1110
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
Okay. Let me do this again. With you, pasting all the steps I do in realtime.
- Install phpBB2.0.23 and setup your database.
- Check topics work (they do! yay.)
- Log in as administrator. Since it redirected me to littleelm.com, I changed it in the URL (my browser's address bar)
- Click on the admin panel. Also redirected me when I logged in... I just fixed the URL manually.
- Fix the URL for the last time (after you've connected to the ACP)
- General Admin > Configuration
- Domain name => Probably localhost
- Server port the ":xxx" part... IF YOU HAVE ONE. My URL is "localhost:8888", so I input 8888. 80 is the default if you don't see one.
- Script path => depending on your server. My URL for the forum is "http://localhost/ipconvert/", so I put ipconvert/ there
- Cookie domain => Your domain with a leading dot. if your domain is "localhost", then input ".localhost"
- Cookie path => same as script path
- Save the configuration ! Check that you can log out / log back in without needing to fix the URL in your browser's address bar yourself :-).
- Save config.php to __bak_config.php
- Delete everything but this file.
- Upload Icy files
- Delete the just-uploaded config.php
- Rename your __bak_config.php to config.php (its old name)
- Visit install/database_update.php
- "Click *here* to upgrade"
- ... Wait for a bit, until "Update completed!" is displayed!
- Clear cache (I used the adm/erc.php file for that. You can also delete every single .php file in the cache/ directory, manually. Make sure to keep the folders..)
- Open install/install.php
- find (L14)
- //define('BYPASS_SESSION', true);
- replace with (L14)
- define('BYPASS_SESSION', true);
- Run every converter, from bottom to top (the one that converts config.php for you should be the 2nd-from-bottom. I think the bottom-most one doesn't work. It doesn't matter, we don't have old IP files)
- Run this SQL query:
- UPDATE phpbb_forums SET parent_id = 86 WHERE forum_id = 13;
(The one I gave you previously had a bug. Sorry, didn't test thoroughly enough...)
- For now, index.php will be empty. But forum.php should work. PLEASE CHECK TOPICS ARE WORKING! (they work for me
- Lastly, we need to fix index.php.. Let's go!
- For some reason I don't quite understand, the SID is broken at this point... Let's fix it...
- OPEN includes/sessions.php
- FIND (line 91)
- if (defined('NEED_SID') && !defined('IN_LOGIN') && ($session_cookie_empty || $session_empty || !isset($_GET['sid']) || ((isset($_GET['sid']) && ($this->session_id !== $_G ET['sid'])))))
- IN LINE BEFORE, ADD (add it right before the if. Not on the line before)[code]if (false)//[/cpde]
- Log in. You can visit login_ip.php directly, or click "log in" from forum.php
- You'll get redirected to the forum.php, with "?sid=..." in the address bar (URL). Only change "forum" by "cms", so that you have "/cms.php?&sid=blablabla...."
- You'll be prompted to login again. Do so.
- You're now on the CMS page. Click CMS pages
- Click "Add new page"
- Select whichever layout you want. Enter whichever name you want. Submit.
- Visit index.php! Your website is now fully functional (the topics still work here ;-).)
It might seem like a lot of steps, but I heavily broke it down.
@ MG might be able to help us with the SID thing...
#57 Sun 11 Sep, 2016 03:48 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
I really do appreciate the help man. I will follow the instructions line for line. If I have any issues, I will record the process so you guys can see exactly what is going on. I fear a large file though which is ok. Ill load it on youtube again if needs be. Going to have my wife sit in as well since she knows her way around a forum / cms as good if not better than I do.
I will tackle this hopefully in the morning when I am clear minded. I have had my meds tonight for my back and am going downhill quickly.
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#58 Sun 11 Sep, 2016 05:58 |
Joined: October 2008
Posts: 1110
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
If there's still some kind of issue left, I'll just be sending you a dump of the database. Would be easier.
I repeated the process another time to confirm it worked when I did it. I think I took around 10mins. But it was 4am localtime, so there might be a few typos. I'll try when I get home later today.
#59 Sun 11 Sep, 2016 10:53 |
Ray B
Joined: July 2016
Posts: 238
Location: Marion, IL
Re: Integramod And Icy Phoenix Questions
yeah if there is any issues after those detailed instructions you gave, it has to be server settings. I've had white pages galore on my localhost as well as a regular server that is a datacenter.
But at any rate, I am going to take a stab at this here in about 15 minutes or so. I'm just cleaning up my hosting package right now and then going to give it a try there first.
Ok man here goes.
It is with great happiness that I am here to tell you that it all worked! The site is up and running and everything is good and right where it should be as far as I can tell. I do have to re-position the sub-forums and a couple others but that is a drop in the bucket compared to what I have went through thus far LOL
I sincerely appreciate the help man. I owe you in one fashion or the other. Not sure what or how, but I do owe you big time man. My wife is smiling ear to ear now as she don't have to listen to me nag about the server not working LOL. It's always the servers fault right?
I hope if anyone joins in the future they find this thread and skip right to the last page here and follow the instructions. I think the how to doc is nicely patterned but it does no justice for upgrading from Integra and I can see why. How many refugees are there really?
I am going to go ahead and say we can mark this one solved!
____________ "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
#60 Sun 11 Sep, 2016 18:37 |
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