Uh Houston, we have a problem. I can not stop guests from posting in blogs. That is a very major problem.
How can I stop this? I looked in the blogs configuration in the ACP. Uhhh no. Speaking of. What is this and what does it mean?
I'm not asking to change the plugin for the public at large, just for my self. Here is what I wish to do.
1. I wish to get rid of the Post new article button for guests when viewing the list of blogs on site. That is a bad spam issue waiting to happen, I was able to post logged out without approval needed. The post immediately was on site.
2. This is a option if they click on the blog post. And on my blog I have to only allow registered to reply in this instance. In the screen shot, I am logged out and still able to post.
3. I want to remove the option for members creating a blog to allow ALL to reply. I do not want them having the right to allow spam on my site.
I REALLY hate to bother anyone over this but it is kind of major to me. I will in the mean time attempt to fix my self. But that screenshot of the ACP and blog settings, that baffles me. I'm not sure I actually understand what config one and config two actually means. And if you choose either option on various or general, it auto sets it in the other. The AP options totally loose me embarrassingly enough.
Take care guys.
On second thought guys, I know I have already posted a lot of stuff. You can disregard this for now. I got a lot of other stuff going on to setup and get going. I realize how much work this is and time is short for people now days and understandingly so, times are hard right now, so I went ahead and disabled the plugin for now. I would love to use it but just can't the way it is out of the box. Maybe at a later date we can revisit this. Sorry for wasting anyone's time on this.