Yet Another BBCode Question.. This Time In A PM

Subject: Yet Another BBCode Question.. This Time In A PM
So I got little elm online finally after all this time and the one thing they want fixed is to NOT show BBCode when replying to a PM. Is this possible?


they would like it with just an empty text field to reply to. No quotes needed. Is there a switch to shut that off? If so, I must apologize as I missed it.

I know we can disbale BBCode all together but that is not a good option as BBCode is welcome, they just don't want to see it in repy to PM.

Thanks fro reading fellas. Take care.


Subject: Re: Yet Another BBCode Question.. This Time In A PM
If I understand correctly do you want to strip all BBCodes? Keeping just the text?

Subject: Re: Yet Another BBCode Question.. This Time In A PM
Well, just when you click reply and all the quote bbcode boxes come up. He wants it so when they click reply on his site, only a empty text field comes up. He says his users are much older folks and some don't understand the hierarchy looking quotes features of the reply field.

I really hope I explained that good. :oops:

Subject: Re: Yet Another BBCode Question.. This Time In A PM
That's not possible at the moment, but it's easy to change.

Code: [Download] [Hide]
  1. privmsg.php 

FIND (around line 1631)
Code: [Download] [Hide]
  1. $privmsg_message = '[quote user="' . $to_username . '"]' . $privmsg_message . '[/quote]'; 

Code: [Download] [Hide]
  1. $privmsg_message = ''; 

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Yet Another BBCode Question.. This Time In A PM
Hey chief, I forgot to thank you for this. I really do appreciate it.

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