[Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku

Inactive User
Subject: [Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku

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<td><a name="grid"><span class="gen">{GAME_INFO}</span></td>

Change To:

<td><a name="grid"><span class="gen">{GAME_INFO}</span></a></td>

<div style="text-align:center;" style="display:none;" id="submit_sk">

Change To:

<div style="text-align:center; display:none;" id="submit_sk">



Find X 4 and close:




Close &copy

'Sudoku_Version' => 'Sudoku Mod Version %s &copy Majorflam 2005 - Latest Game Pack Installed: Pack %s',

Reduces 84 "Warnings" to "0" and the game still plays Ok! ;)

Inactive User
Subject: Re: [bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku
I hate to be a nuisance in reporting anomalies in .tpl and .php files for the benefit of MG and then see them drift through the General Help and not be moved to the Bugs forum after at least "Someone" has confirmed the bug(s).

If it's too much trouble to confirm and / or move them to the Bugs Forum so that MG wont miss them before the next release - Then I shall stop wasting my time doing it. :P

Subject: Re: [bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku
Confirmed and moved to bug forum

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: [Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku
Lopalong wrote: [View Post]
I hate to be a nuisance in reporting anomalies in .tpl and .php files for the benefit of MG and then see them drift through the General Help and not be moved to the Bugs forum after at least "Someone" has confirmed the bug(s).

If it's too much trouble to confirm and / or move them to the Bugs Forum so that MG wont miss them before the next release - Then I shall stop wasting my time doing it. :P

Thanks Lopa... you are not a nuisance... you are helping a lot by providing both problems and possible solution.

I really appreciate.

Thanks for doing that, and please continue in doing it.

Feel free to use the new Bugs Tracker section for reporting bugs. I will check them and then answer there.

The system doesn't allow multiple replies... so if you need to discuss Bugs, we still need to use the forum, where I prefer all discussions to remain.


Inactive User
Subject: Re: [Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku
Thanks MG,

It was only a wake up call for someone to move it. :mryellow:

But the bug tracker sounds like a good idea and should avoid this sort of thing in future. ;)

I've got an interesting one at the moment that needs to be confirmed against another site using RC1 (Not IP.COM). Don't know, will bug-track it when I can confirm it.


Subject: Re: [Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku
Thanks, let me know.

P.S.: Bugs Tracker supports BBCode... this means that also supports attachments BBCode... :wink:

Inactive User
Subject: Re: [Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku

The bug I was chasing I put in bug-tracker - "search block". But I see it's not a bug, so it must have another reason to be coded like that. ?

Maybe "Stand-Alone" CMS? :P

BTW, I like the the clean "Yes, no, fixed and whatever" in the BT - Makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep up with what's happening, whether they are bugs or not.

PS: I don't want you wasting time explaining to me why things are or are not bugs no matter what the reason; because sometimes you are going to get things posted that look like there's something wrong, even if it's not.


Subject: Re: [Bugs Various] RC1 - Sudoku
Lopalong wrote: [View Post]

The bug I was chasing I put in bug-tracker - "search block". But I see it's not a bug, so it must have another reason to be coded like that. ?

Maybe "Stand-Alone" CMS? :P

The only reason is that you may want to show something which is not the "Site Name" in the search block... that is the only reason! :wink:

Lopalong wrote: [View Post]
BTW, I like the the clean "Yes, no, fixed and whatever" in the BT - Makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep up with what's happening, whether they are bugs or not.

Thanks, feel free to suggest improvements to that section... :wink:

Lopalong wrote: [View Post]
PS: I don't want you wasting time explaining to me why things are or are not bugs no matter what the reason; because sometimes you are going to get things posted that look like there's something wrong, even if it's not.

Civil discussion is always positive in my opinion. It is not time wasting if we can in some way improve our knowledge. :wink:

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