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 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
- Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. one my friend ( we have forums ) instaled it , when i saw it i knowed that this is what i always searched
- Q. Why are you here?
A. because IP is so good , so moded ...than CMS is exelent , and its so simple to use . People here are great (well exept one user )
- Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. yes , and more that i searched
Limun [ Fri 26 Sep, 2008 14:12 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
- Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Can't remember if it was by bus or train!
- Q. Why are you here?
A. Funny you should ask that - Mmmmmmm? Don't really know!
- Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. Still Looking - But I know it's here somewhere!
Inactive User [ Fri 26 Sep, 2008 14:38 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
- Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Wingzfan told me about this great CMS, so I had to see what his excitement was all about.
- Q. Why are you here?
A. The community is very helpful and knowledgeable. Reading Lopalong's posts helps to pass the time also.
- Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. Of course! 
Chaotic [ Fri 26 Sep, 2008 16:48 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
- Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Discovered trought ThE KuKa's site, then I get Icy Phoenix as a drug
- Q. Why are you here?
A. Obiously, isn't it? To offer free support to users!!
- Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. Nope, still looking for the god of CMS being developed, under the name of Icy Phoenix 
novice programmer [ Fri 26 Sep, 2008 17:20 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. I was looking at the PHPBB website and came across your CMS as a customization.
Q. Why are you here?
A. Buffalo, NY USA
Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. Yes, I found this CMS to be one of the best I have used and am really glad I came across it.
kreed [ Wed 12 Nov, 2008 20:11 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
- Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Found the Black Pearl style while looking for something to spice up phpBB3 and came here to see if you had any more.
- Q. Why are you here?
A. Then I found Icy Phoenix and always wanted to use a CMS instead of just a board for my site. Joomla and Drupal are far to hard to use and IP is a breeze to set up.
- Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. I found more than I dreamed of finding. This is superb software!

arector [ Wed 26 Nov, 2008 15:34 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
Informpro [ Sat 29 Nov, 2008 20:49 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
* Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Mr.Google
* Q. Why are you here?
A. because IP is so good , so moded ...than CMS is exelent , and its so simple to use .
* Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. yes , and more that i searched
its the true ! 
X_Dev [ Fri 13 Feb, 2009 17:45 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
This topic is just for fun...
Please answer these questions...
- Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. By accident. No, i´ve been looking for a good forum, tried many and finished up installing IcyPhoenix.
- Q. Why are you here?
A. Because theres answers for all my questions here. And I try to help aswell.
- Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. all the time. theres nothing left without an resonable answer!!!
spydie [ Fri 13 Feb, 2009 20:02 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. I got here thru either Phpbb or Phpbbhacks.
Q. Why are you here?
A. At first, i was so afraid that IP is so advance for me (i know nothing about php even now). After awhile watching daily support posts, i decided to install IP, 'cause there is no other better than IP and great support.
Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. I found alot from here, except 1 last thing which i still want to have a store for my site. I want people able to sale or buy stuffs from my site. I have tried Shop and/or Cash mod, but not what i am looking for 
xmenfile [ Fri 13 Feb, 2009 22:42 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. I use milky way theme for my phpbb3 students forum ...
Q. Why are you here?
A. I'm here because i have three cyber frinds here:
1. Limun - my cyber-brother  , my the best cyber - friend, my supporter, teacher and a lot off staff ( I think some day when i meet him , i will be in delirim, I LOVE YOU MAN !  4 ALL thinks that you teach me, for all nights without sleeping , 4 all heurs that you spend on my forum working like it your's own , and all it for free !
2. Chaotic - good man from America with graet sanse of hummor
3. M.G. - LORD of php ! Respect for all things that you made with your 10 fingers
Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
I think soo, because i really icy phoenix. I hate myself because i don't have knowledge and money for some things which i want to have on my students portal. I'm good man, with big heart and it is my the biggest treasure. All my forum is based on love and support for poor students who doesent have money. My faculty doesn't have offical site , they have students anonncement table made by wood, so primitive, and my forum is only place on net where we can colect , excange scriptas, books, question for exem...etc. I think my forum has a lot of buggs, but i'm setisfied because i think i was made something good for all students population in my country. I can't wait to look the final version of icy , because i want it for my bord sollution .
masternk [ Mon 23 Feb, 2009 13:50 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
Simple answer: Google
Chattalkcity [ Thu 09 Apr, 2009 01:07 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Through the website h**p://
Q. Why are you here?
A.I found what I want
Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. I found what I want and more
Man Of Darkness [ Mon 24 May, 2010 17:10 ]
 Re: How Did You Get Here? Why Are You Here?
* Q. How did you get here in this site the first time?
A. Using google
* Q. Why are you here?
A. simple since i love this CMS
* Q. Did you find what you were looking for?
A. No, i am still waiting for simple and effect conversion to be released for icyphoenix .
I would like to take this opportunity thank MG and all staff for helping peoples like me who had no idea about scripting . thank u
ancraz [ Sun 03 Oct, 2010 17:27 ]