phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool

Tags And Keywordsphpbb3 conversion tool, phpbb3 porting, phpbb3 to icy phoenix

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Subject: phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
Hi all,
today I have almost finished the basic version of phpBB 3 to Icy Phoenix conversion tool.

This tool will import from a phpBB 3 installation some of the DB tables to be used into Icy Phoenix: users, forums, topics and posts table will be converted into Icy Phoenix format.

Unfortunately not all information will be imported (such as private messages, permissions and attachments for example), so some work is still needed to do a proper conversion. But I think it is a good starting point for those who want to convert.

Some basic instructions on how to use this file:

  1. Lock your phpBB 3 board
  2. Make a full DB backup of your phpBB 3
  3. Install Icy Phoenix on the same DB, but with different table prefix (best would be to have Icy Phoenix tables with "ip_" prefix and phpBB 3 tables with "phpbb_" prefix)
  4. Edit the constant in "phpbb3_to_ip.php" file to reflect the correct prefix and name in case you need it
  5. Upload "phpbb3_to_ip.php" to your Icy Phoenix root and launch it
  6. When the conversion ends, you should have all users, forums, topics and posts in your Icy Phoenix DB

Alternatively you can try to run this procedure on a local environment, as it could be easier to fix everything before re-upload the new DB with only Icy Phoenix tables.

If someone is going to try this, I would be grateful to hear some feedback.

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Subject: Re: phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
Thanks MG,

I've tried running this on a live server.
Problem 1 was that nothing in those folders was accessible ... so I blanked out all the redirects in htaccess.
Now the script seems to run but bumps into this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function check_mem_limit() on a non-object in /home/joshua/public_html/IP/EF/install/phpbb3_conversion/common.php on line 42
Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/joshua/public_html/IP/EF/install/phpbb3_conversion/phpbb3_to_ip.php on line 14

Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/joshua/public_html/IP/EF/install/phpbb3_conversion/phpbb3_to_ip.php on line 14

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './common.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/joshua/public_html/IP/EF/install/phpbb3_conversion/phpbb3_to_ip.php on line 14

Fatal error: Call to a member function session_begin() on a non-object in /home/joshua/public_html/IP/EF/install/phpbb3_conversion/phpbb3_to_ip.php on line 21

For a short while I saw the modified _ip_users content in the DB (or I think I did :LOL: ), but it disapeared straight away, I guess because the script can't finnish.

On a side note ..I'm not on the advised DBversion

Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
I have tried ... agree was a database with 2 users and 3 topics, but I had no problem....
I think we should focus on these things ... Many people would like to change the board, but are afraid of having to redo everything from scratch, Icy Phoenix has many interesting things that other forums do not have, if a person finds it easy to change board, has nothing that prevents him from doing.

Subject: Re: phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
You are right ...if conversion is quick and easy, nothing would be stopping people to give it a go :mricy:

BTW I've edited my previous post a bit

Subject: Re: phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
Ok never mind those error lines posted earlier, I just did not read the instructions very well :oops:

Anyone having the same issue ... make sure you run phpbb3_to_ip.php from the root-directory (not from the install folder!)

Additionally I only had to comment out these lines in htaccess to be able to access any file:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
//RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE}% s:(.*):%22test1%22%3b
//RewriteRule ^.*$ [R,L]

Subject: Re: phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
The conversion script had a nasty bug which I should have fixed... please download it again.

Or you can run this just to make sure only user #2 is the admin:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
UPDATE ip_users SET user_level = 0 WHERE user_id <> 2

Subject: Re: phpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
I have updated the script again to fix a couple of things and also added some improvements.

Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
First, thank you for this conversion script! :wink:
Just a question: What would be the best way to add images and attachment file?
Here is the output

Edit: in your script, think of forum (link redirection) convertion

Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
That seems pretty complex to do... First off, are you running phpBB3.0 or phpBB3.1?

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Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
Phpbb 3.0.12

Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
There's no sign of a forum at your site - Only Image software... ?

And besides - We no longer support phpBB :twisted:

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Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
Well, why not support phpBB3 to Icy?

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Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
Informpro wrote: [View Post]
Well, why not support phpBB3 to Icy?

It's well over six months since I looked at anything to do with script / html - And I don't think that I'll be doing very much, if anything with it in future... :P

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Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
I'm migrating today!
What do you mean by support?

Subject: Re: PhpBB 3 To Icy Phoenix Conversion Tool
I just mean it's a useful script to have :)

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