Here you will find just few rules for adding/creating customizations for Icy Phoenix.
- The first rule is KIS: Keep It Simple. This means that you should add files in the easiest way for the users to install it. If the mod is few line changes, provide a code changes to the mod installation instructions.
- Premodded package. If the mod you are installing is quite big, you may be tempted to provide a premodded package. In this case please make sure that the premodded package is based on a clean installation.
- PHP and phpBB Skills. Please note that Icy Phoenix code is different in some core files from the phpBB code. This means that you should really pay attention when integrating a mod and doing it properly may require time. Many vars are differently named, and the cache system requires sometimes extra tweaks.
- Security. If a mod is not integrated properly it may leads to a security issue as well. Please submit mods for validations to someone of the Staff or to me before posting them in public fourm.
- Testing. Mods included should be tested on a clean installation. For big modifications, a test site with a test account should be preferred.
That's all for now...
Please note that this not mean that you don't have to contribute with your mods on Icy Phoenix... it simply means that you should consider doing it properly, otherwise some users may have problems with the modifications provided, and in some cases they can hang their sites.
Thank you for your contributions.